Reviewing Your 4 Year Plan Humble ISD
Today, we will: Review and make changes to 4 year plans
Bridges Log in to Portfolio Name = humble + your ID (ex: humble123456) Password = your ID (ex: )
Select Choices Planner Click Your Portfolio (Green Tab) Click Your Plans Scroll down to see your purple plan for grades purple plan for grades *If you do not see a purple plan, raise your hand now*
How to change courses:
Add Wanted Courses Remove Unwanted Courses Click Here to Save Courses may be here…
Please look at the bottom of your purple plan Please verify that Total Planned Credits = 7* for the grade level you will enter next year! *or 6 for students that QUALIFY for late arrival/early release
2016 New Course Offerings 10 th - 12 th Video Game Design- 10 th - 12 th Credit: 1 Pre-Requisite: Graphic Design Endorsement-Arts, Audio &Video Production Course Number: C172 a/b
2016 New Course Offerings 11 th & 12 th Sports Medicine- 11 th & 12 th Credit: 2(double blocked) + Travel Period Location: Humble HS(Transportation TBD) Pre-Requisite: Prin of Health Science. Next sequence is Health Science OR Sports Medicine. Endorsement-Health Science Course Number: C363 a/b
2016 New Class Offerings 12 th Real Estate Marketing 12 th Credit: 1 Location: KHS+ Travel Period (must provide own transportation) Pre-Requisite: Endorsement-Business and Industry Endorsement Cluster: Marketing,Business or Finance Cluster Course Number: C660 a/b
2016 New Course Offerings 12 th Disaster Response : 10 th - 12 th Credit:.5 Endorsement-Law, Public Safety Course Number: C560
2016 New Course Offerings Career Development Credit: 2(double blocked) Location: Wisenbaker Builders(Must provide own transportation) Pre –Requisite: Two courses in a sequence within Business and Industry Endorsement. Course Number: Select Practicum in area of class sequence.
CATE FLOW CHART LINK 4/Centricity/Domain/21/HB5_HISD_CTE_ Flow_Chart_ pdf
Business Information Management Business Information Management maybe can be used as a credit towards every endorsement. Consider BIM to complete your endorsement sequence if you are lacking a class.
Aide and Release Periods Office Aide Requirements Seniors only Application Required (Pick up from House Office) Attendance and Discipline considered Indicate on Application the course you want to drop if selected to be an aide Early Release/Late Arrival Requirements Parent Permission Form Signed Passed all required EOC exams Juniors = Have at least 15 credits earned Seniors = Have at least 20 credit earned
Information on Endorsements If you are interested in changing endorsements, you must notify and meet with your counselor. Please sign up to discuss…
Things to Remember! Remove unwanted courses When adding courses, be sure to add “A” & “B” sections for full year Seniors and Juniors may qualify for early release/late arrival. Please make sure you are eligible! Some classes may be listed under different headings (ex: Band A is located under PE) Be sure to select Return to your Course Plan to save changes!
2016 CTE Expo Tuesday, February 9 th Humble Civic Center 4pm-8pm Check out our district’s CTE Programs Meet Program Directors Ask questions
You can find the course guide by: Logging onto Kingwood Park High School Website Click on the Information tab Click on Counselors Click on and proceed to Course Selection Guide
Important Information!!! Bridges plans are only open for editing until February 5th Confirmation of Course Selections for will be given to students on MARCH 24th MARCH 24th How to make changes March 24 th – April 6 th Update Bridges 4 year plan (REQUIRED) Print copy of 4 year plan Give to counselor to make change April 6 th is last day to submit changes