Ready, Set, Go-Maths Seminar 2
Review/Feedback What has been working well? Even better if..?
Key Messages: Teaching
Early Understanding in Number Sorting Relationships and Operations Understanding Counting and number recognition
Relationships and Operations Pattern – an aspect of relationships RSGM p.49 PSC p.26
Line of Development Copy a pattern Continue a pattern Devise a pattern Compare equal/unequal sets Find components within 5/10 Add/subtract within 5/10 Consolidate experiences within 5/10 using Cuisenaire
Copy a pattern
Continue a pattern
Devising a pattern
More Same Language of Relationships Less
Comparing Sets
Comparing Quantities within 5
Partitioning sets within 5 Children are ready to partition when They can count collections within 5 They recognise numerals up to 5 They have conservation of number up to 5
Partitioning sets within 5 Model partitioning sets into subsets within 5 Model the language – altogether, 5 is the same as 3 and 2 Start partitioning with 5 and then go down to smaller numbers Teacher’s role is to create sets so the children can make decisions around partitioning for size/colour
Key Steps
Partitioning Calculate mentally within 5 Box numbers game Make Five
Partitioning sets within 10 Extension of work within 5 Children need to have conservation of number to 10 Teacher introduces the written record Children record their findings using the written record
Operations – Addition Add two numbers practically within 5 and talk about their findings Teacher uses a base board and number cards to demonstrate the process of addition
Operations – Subtraction Subtract two numbers practically within 10 and talk about their findings Teacher uses a base board and number cards to demonstrate the process of subtraction
Addition/Subtraction within 10 There is merit in delaying the introduction of mathematical symbols until children are very secure in all aspects of operations Ready Set Go Maths, p.77
Commutative aspect of addition Subtraction as the inverse of addition Subtract practically by taking away Add on/Subtract mentally within 10 Add on/Subtract the second number practically within 10
Cuisenaire Readiness check p.87 Conservation of number and length needs to be secure First understanding of components of number, addition and subtraction should be established with random materials.
Number activities with Cuisenaire Make a little train p.90 The step pattern p.92
Addition using Cuisenaire p.93
Box Addition using Cuisenaire p.94
Early Understanding in Number Sorting Relationships and Operations Understanding Counting and number recognition
Understanding Number The ability to recite number names in order One to one correspondence Appreciation that the final number in the count refers to the whole collection and not the final object counted.
Line of Development One to one correspondence (including touch counting) Make sets for numbers within 5/10 Order numerals and sets within 5/10 Conservation of number within 5/10 First/last/between
One-to-one correspondence
Understanding cardinal aspect of numbers within 5 Making sets using a variety of resources Making patterns
Cardinality of Number Junior InfantsSenior Infants Shake and Make p.127 Fill the Sweetie Jar p.128 Number Bears p.128 Animal Hunt p.129 Snail Trail p.129 Hidey Holes p.140 Humpty Dumpty p.140 Memory Match p.140 It must be more p.142
Ordinal Number
Conservation of Number Sets remain constant even if the objects are rearranged Children need to be tested individually for conservation of number
Classroom Management
Suggested Structure of a lesson in number Whole class, 5 minutes Group Activities, minutes Round- up, 5 – 10 minutes
Assessment Content Physical Arrangement Time