Chapter 4 – Life in the Colonies Section 1: Colonial Economy
Chapter 4 Key Terms Define the Following Key Terms Representative Gov ’ t Iroquois Confederacy Militia Epidemic Apprentice Immigration Alliance Subsistence Farming Cash Crop Triangular Trade Diversity Slave Code Imports Exports Mercantilism
Triangle Trade
Colonial Economy – New England Economy is wealth and resources of a country For the 13 Colonies Farming & the Slave Trade were the leading factors in the economy. ____________________________________________ _______________________ New England farmers practiced subsistence farming, because of poor soil & tough winters. In the 1800’ s New England will be home to Industrial Rev. They had Rivers / Streams needed for energy. They had many ports to import supplies for making goods, & exporting finished products.
Colonial Economy – Middle / Southern Colonies Middle Colony farmers were able to grow cash crops because the soil was fertile & climate was mild ( warmer ). Middle Colonies were cultural diverse Middle Colonies had English, Dutch, Swedish people living there. Southern Colony Cash Crops = Rice & Tobacco
Slavery African ’ s were brought to the Americas as slaves from W. Africa. Triangle Trade - Trade route between 3 destination. The destination that trades slaves was the 2 nd Passage. Slaves were chained together and were barely fed and given water. Any slave who didn ’ t want to eat or drink was whipped. Any slave that got sick was thrown overboard. Slaves sat chained on their boat for a month, spent most of their time sitting, they could not stand.
Ch 4 – Section 2 Colonial Government - VA House of Burgesses…
Colonial Government English principles included protected rights, and a representative government. Parliament ( GB ) was a model for American legislators ( law makers ). Parliament is to GB what Congress is to the USA. English Bill of Rights included : – Free Elections – Free Speech – Fair Jury – No Cruel or Unusual Punishment – Could not suspend parliaments laws without their consent !
Colonial Government In the colonies, town meetings were used to discuss issues, they developed local governments. Voting : Rich White Men who owned land were the only ones who could vote. England and the Colonies followed mercantilism when it came to economics and trade. Navigation Acts - were used to control colonial trade by directing the flow of goods b / w “ GB ” & the colonies. Colonists were okay with the Navigation Acts but would turn to hate them in the 1760’ s. Eventually colonists would resist the navigation acts by smuggling. This act would be a cause to the American Revolution
Ch 4 – Section 3 Culture & Society
Culture & Society Population grew in the colonies…immigration. Small pox killed many people living in Colonial America. ( epidemic ) Family was considered a basic foundation of Colonial American society. – Men were the heads of families, managed the farm or business and represented the family in the community. – Women ran the house, and took care of the children. Southern colonies = low literacy ( ability to read / write )
Colonial Society Additionally some women worked in the fields with their husband. Women who were not married worked as maids or cooks. Women who were widows ( husband died ) or never married worked as teachers, nurses, or seamstresses. Women didn ’ t have many rights. They could not vote. Even children who were 4 & 5 yrs old worked.
Colonial Society Colonists valued their family first. Colonists valued Education as well. However, in the Southern colonies there was low literacy ( ability to read / write ) Great Awakening - religious revival from the 1730’ s – 1740’ s in the colonies Enlightenment - spread idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society. In the colonies, the Enlightenment increased interest in science.
Colonial Society Freedom of the press became a major issue at this time because of censorship. This happened because John Peter Zenger accused the NY Governor of corruption. Zenger was found, not guilty. Censorship - banning of printed materials because of offensive ideas.
Awakening / Enlightenment
Chapter 4 – Section 4 Rivalry in North America
French Indian War
Rivalry in North America Convert - to change the religious beliefs of someone. The British would meet with Iroquois Confederacy, in hopes of forming an alliance vs. the French. The Iroquois Refused to Join “ GB ”. Neutral - taking no side. Many natives were neutral.
Rivalry in North America France is a super power. France has colonies in Canada & Ohio River Valley ( New France ). France has a trading relationship with the natives in the Ohio River Valley. ( FUR / FISH were traded ) England is a super power. England has colonies in N. America. England believes it has every right to settle in Ohio River Valley too… THIS IS GOING TO CREATE CONFLICT …
Rivalry in North America France gains the help of the Native Americans (“ NA ”). GB gains help of the Colonies HOW did the French gain the help of Native Americans ? French / “ NA ” traded, many French married “ NA ”, and they DID NOT try to take their land. In addition, French convert “ NA ” to Catholicism, but DID NOT make them “ forget ” their culture.
Rivalry in North America France builds forts from Ontario to Ohio. France enjoys early success England ’ s William Pitt ( Prime Minister ) sent more trained troops to the colonies. France is blockaded by GB in Atlantic Ocean, can ’ t get more troops & supplies England will defeat France. War officially ends with the Treaty of Paris 1763.
Rivalry in North America Pontiac ’ s War - colonists who settle west of the Appalachian Mountains were captured and killed. Proclamation of Britain bans colonists from settling west of Appalachian Mountains to protect them from Pontiac and the Native Americans. Navigation Acts – directed the flow of goods between England and the Colonies… Colonies were unhappy about this. Colonists were unhappy because they felt their movement was limited and their trade was limited. Britain was also in debt from the French Indian war and planned to tax the colonies. Colonists were furious. …And they did. Distrust began to grow in the colonies and a new conflict would arise… The American Revolution.