Is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. Within the Reading 3D Program, the two tests that measure the Phonemic Awareness Skill are (ISF) and (PSF). ISF: Initial Sound Fluency PSF: Phoneme Segmentation Fluency
Initial sound fluency is not a Phonemic Awareness Skill, but a measure of Phonemic Awareness. The ability to break words into single sounds is a CRUCIAL preliminary step towards recoding.
Phonemic segmentation measures if a child can discriminate between the sounds within a word. Example: past Student response should be /p/ /a/ /s/ /t/
Is systematic and predictable relationship between written letters and spoken sounds Within the Reading 3D Program, the two tests that assess the Alphabetic Principle are (NWF) and (WR). NWF: Nonsense Word Fluency WR: Word Recognition
NWF uses the consonant-vowel- consonant (CVC) and vowel-consonant (VC) words and their connection to phonemes, or individual sounds. Example: wub Students response should be /w/ /u/ /b/ to be considered proficient the student should be able to identify the sounds but blend the sounds to decode the word.
Why is it important for my child to understand nonsense words? If real words were used in this measure, you would never know if the student recognized the word from previous experience or used their sound-symbol knowledge to “sound out” the word.
Tests the ability of a student to read high-frequency words in isolation, as well as decode words.
Is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with automaticity. Within the Reading 3D Program, the three tests that assess Accuracy and Fluency are (ORF), (TRC), and (WR). ORF: Oral Reading Fluency TRC: Text Reading and Comprehension WR: Word Recognition
ORF provides connected text the student reads for 60 seconds, during which time the assessor marks the errors. In the past fluency has been associated with speed, however ORF assesses words correct per minute.
Assesses Accuracy for all Reading Records. It also assesses comprehension and vocabulary.
Is the cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to convey meaning. Within the Reading 3D Program the test that assesses comprehension is (RTF). RTF: Retell Fluency
RTF provides a comprehension check by asking students to tell “everything they can” about the passage they read. RTF is eye-opening. Students’ use of language and sequence tells a great deal about their ability to understand the connected text.
Is the ability to understand and use words to acquire and convey meaning. Within the Reading 3D Program the test that assesses Vocabulary is (WUF). WUF: Word Use Fluency
Students use a word in context to demonstrate they understand its meaning. Students use the word in a sentence as modeled or provide a definition, phrase, or synonym. Students must understand the words in the text in order to acquire meaning from the text.
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