The five senses Grade One Created by: Kim Smith
What sense do we use our mouth for? A.Smell B.Taste C.Hear 12345
If we are looking at T.V. what sense are we using A.Smelling B.Tasting C.Sight
What sense do we use our ears for? A.Taste B.Hearing C.Seeing 12345
What sense do we feel with ? A.Smell B.Touch C.Taste 12345
If we smell something really good, what sense are we using ? A.Taste B.Hearing C.Smelling 12345
If we taste something really bad, what sense are we using? A.Hearing B.Smelling C.Tasting 12345
If we hear a really loud noise, what sense are we using? A.Smelling B.Hearing C.Tasting 12345
If we touch something really soft, what sense are we using? A.Hearing B.Tasting C.Touching 12345
When you look at yourself in the mirror what sense are you using? A.Touching B.Vision C.Hearing