Science Method
1.3 The Scientific Method At the end of this section, you should be able to answer the following questions: What are the inquiry skills we need to carry out the scientific method? How has Science been a human endeavour? 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
The scientific method is a systematic way of finding answers based on observing the things around us. The scientific method requires us to use scientific inquiry skills when we explore the world. 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
Here are some inquiry skills that we need in the scientific method. 1. Engaging with an event We obtain information as we interact with the world around us. When we encounter a puzzling situation that catches our attention, we pose questions to obtain more information and generate ideas. We also propose a hypothesis to form a possible explanation for the observation. This hypothesis needs to be further tested. 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
2. Collecting and presenting evidence Decide on what kind of evidence to collect. We make use of our five senses — sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch — to make observations as we collect evidence. We also use instruments to extend our range of senses and gather more accurate information. The evidence collected may be descriptive information (qualitative) or measurable information (quantitative). 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
3. Making meaning of information and evidence We analyse the results of our experiment to identify trends. This involves comparing or classifying the data obtained. We derive conclusion(s) based on the trends identified. We also evaluate the accuracy of the results of the experiment. If our results are inconsistent with our hypothesis, we refine our hypothesis and test it again. Click here for an interactive laboratory that teaches you what the scientific method How did you apply the scientific method to solve the mystery? 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
A scientific breakthrough is not usually achieved by one scientist alone. It takes the combined efforts of many scientists over many years to build the scientific knowledge we have today. Scientific knowledge is thus subject to changes as new observations are made and new evidence is found. Thousands of years ago, it was not well-known that the earth revolves around the sun, nor that other planets existed. Science — The human endeavour 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
Aristotle A famous scientist from ancient Greece. He believed that the sun revolved around the earth. Ptolemy An astronomer from ancient Egypt. He believed that the earth was the centre of the universe. For many years, people shared the beliefs of Ptolemy and Aristotle. 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
Nicolaus Copernicus A European who studied astronomy as a hobby. He believed that the sun was at the centre of the universe. He decided that the earth revolved around the sun, based on his observations. However, his ideas remained unpopular during his time as he could not prove his idea. About 65 years after Copernicus’ time, the invention of the telescope led to more breakthrough in astronomy. 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
Galileo Created a more powerful telescope and was able to observe the moon better than previous astronomers. His observations supported Copernicus’ idea. People then were still not ready to accept that the sun did not revolve around the earth. How did the works of Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo contribute to our knowledge of astronomy today? 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method
The scientific method helps to ensure that astronomy is based on accurate ideas. Today, using a record of past observations and new discoveries, astronomers and scientists are able to predict accurately when an eclipse will occur. When scientists build on one another’s ideas and expertise, this may lead to even greater scientific discoveries. 1.3 How is Scientific Knowledge Derived? — The Scientific Method