Cultural Statistics in Spain The Spanish experience Workshop on Culture Statistics. Luxembourg, DSS, September 22th, 2011 María Ángeles Pérez Corrales Director of the Cultural Statistics Division Ministry of Culture in Spain
Cultural Statistics in Spain 2 Intense cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and the National Statistics Institute It is based on official statistics owing to its technical guarantees and its continuity High added value derived from the use of existing official statistical information THREE MAIN PILLARS
Cultural Statistics in Spain Exclusively dedicated to the study of the cultural sector Statistical exploitations or compilations of official surveys not specifically dedicated to the cultural sector Survey on Cultural Habits and Practices (MCU) Sattelite Account on Culture in Spain (MCU) Statistics on Financing and Public Expenditure in Culture (MCU) Statistics on Museums (MCU) Archives Statistics (MCU) Libraries Statistics (NSI) Publishing Activity Statistic (NSI) Statistics on the Spanish Edition of Books with ISBN (MCU) Statistics on the Spanish Edition of Music with ISMN (MCU) Cinema Statistic (MCU) Statistical exploitations of other MCU databases: Heritage databases, Music, Dance and performing Arts databases; Intellectual Property databases … / … Labour Force Survey (NSI) Household Budget Survey (NSI) Education Statistics (Ministry of Education) Central Companies Directory (NSI) Structural Business Statistics (NSI) External trade statistics (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Budgetary and fiscal statistics (Ministry of Economy and Finance) Education Statistics (Ministry of Education) Tourism Statistics (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade)... /... Use of administrative files SOURCES -> Official Statistics -> National Statistics Plan OBJECTIVE Provide a selection of the most important statistical indicators in the cultural field High added value
Cultural Statistics in Spain 4 Annual Official Synthesis Statistics included in the National Statistics Plan. It responds to the Recommendations of the Higher Statistical Council. It provides an economic information system, designed as a satellite account of the main National Accounts System, which allows estimating the impact of culture on the Spanish economy as a whole High added value derived from the use of existing official statistical information for its elaboration It is elaborated by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration on methodological aspects with the NSI of Spain, responsible in Spain for the National Accounts Satellite Account on Culture In Spain
Cultural Statistics in Spain The main characteristic of the project is the consideration of National Accounts as the methodological basis, and their estimates as the basis for the calculations Set the proportion of the estimations provided by the National Account System related to the cultural field disaggregating this information with other complementary official statistical sources The work is performed in a double field. Strong interrelation with other sectors.
Cultural Statistics in Spain Culture activities (Absolute values in millions of euros) Source: Ministry of Culture. Satellite Account on Culture in Spain Intellectual property related activities Contribution to the GVA and GDP of the spanish economy (*)2008(*) AVERAGE %of GVA 3,3 3,43,33,23,33,23,13,03,2 %of GDP 3,1 3,23,13,03,13,02,9 3,0 % of GVA 4,4 4,2 4,1 4,03,93,84,1 % of GDP 4,2 4,0 3,9 3,83,7 3,9 (*) Provisional estimate Intellectual property related activities Cultural activities
Cultural Statistics in Spain Contribution of the cultural activities to GDP by domains and functions. (Percentage of cultural GDP) Average 2000 – 2008 Source: Ministry of Culture. Satellite Account on Culture in Spain
Cultural Statistics in Spain Percentage of GVA (*)2008(*) Average Agriculture, livestock and fishing 4,44,34,0 3,63,22,82,72,63,5 Energy industries 2,82,72,62,7 2,82,6 2,7 Industrial fields 18,117,616,916,315,815,415,114,714,316,0 Construction 8,38,99,49,910,611,512,111,811,410,5 Services 66,466,667,067,167,367,167,468,169,067,3 TOTAL100 Cultural sector 3,3 3,43,33,23,33,23,13,03,2 Intellectual property related activities 4,4 4,2 4,1 4,03,93,84,1 Contribution of Cultural sector and Intellectual Property related activities to the GVA Source: Ministry of Culture. Satellite Account on Culture in Spain (*) Provisional data in 2007 and 2008
Cultural Statistics in Spain 9 Official Statistics included in the National Statistics Plan Sample-based research work, done on 16 thousand people over the age of 15 resident in Spain to assess the evolution of the main indicators of cultural habits and practices of Spaniards. Analyzes other aspects of the field of culture, such as the modes of acquisition of products that are subject to intellectual property rights. Currently it is carried out every four years. Results from will be available in September. It is elaborated by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration on methodological aspects with the National Statistics Institute of Spain Survey on Cultural Habits and Practices in Spain
Cultural Statistics in Spain Participation in cultural activities in the last year (%) Source. Ministry of Culture. Survey of Cultural Habits and Practiques in Spain Read (last year) Attend to theatre Go to the cinem a... / … TOTAL 57,719,152,1 Museums or art galleries visitors 83,037,774,2 Performance arts attenders 87,686,179,8 …/… Interrelated indicators of annual participation (%) ( Have attended or have visited))
Cultural Statistics in Spain 11 DIFFUSION. MOST SIGNIFICANT PRODUCTS CULTURAL STATISTICS YEARBOOK. Annual statistical publication launched in 2005 with the aim of making easier the knowledge of the sector and its evolution. It includes a selection of the most relevant official statistical results in the cultural field. CULTURABASE Database with cultural statistics series, methodologies, calendar, questionnaires, etc via the Internet. Currently, there are more than metadata homogeneously classified CULTURAL INDICATORS TRANSVERSAL INDICATORS Results of statistical operations which affect to different cultural sectors (Employment; enterprises, financing and public expenditure; private consumption expenditure; intellectual property; external trade; tourism; education; cultural habits and practices;…) SECTORIAL INDICATORS Results of statistical operations which affect to a specific cultural sector (Heritage; museums; archives; publishing of books; Dance, Musical Resources; cinema, video; etc) SYNTHESIS INDICATORS Satellite Account on Culture In Spain. Contribution of culture to the GDP
Cultural Statistics in Spain Cultural Statistics Yearbook in Spain Culturabase (database online) Survey on Cultural habits and Practices in Spain Satellite Account on Culture in Spain Cultural Statistics. Ministry of Culture in Spain. index.html index.html