Schule in Deutschland
Kindergarten 1. Klasse – 4. Klasse: Grundschule 5. Klasse – 10. Klasse: Sekundarschule or 5. Klasse – 12. Klasse: Gymnasium
The first day of school der erste Schultag
Die Zuckertüte
Klasse There are about 20 pupils in one class (but there can be up to 28 pupils). The pupils have a class teacher („Klassenlehrer“). With this teacher they have German and Math and some of the other subjects. There are special teachers for Music, Religion, Ethics, Art, English, PE, Science.
Die Klasse
Fächer - subjects DeutschMathe Sachunterricht (science, history, health, …) Gestalten (arts, crafting) MusikSportEthikReligion Englisch (class 3 and on) AGs
Zensuren 1 = sehr gut 2 = gut 3 = befriedigend 4 = ausreichend 5 = magelhaft 6 =
What are differences between primary schools in Ireland and Germany?