Marta Camporro-Fernandez
So, what does an attendance rate of 90% look like? Sam is in Year 5. His attendance rate is always around 90%. He thinks this is pretty good!
MonTueWedThurFri ? Absent half a day every week 90% attendance means that he is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half-day every week
Absent for four weeks ? July Sept 38 school weeks In Year 4 Sam’s 90% attendance rate means that he has missed the equivalent of four whole weeks of lessons in the school year.
If Sam continues to attend for only 90% of the time then over the 5 years from Y2 Sam will have missed the equivalent of about half of a school year. Sept July Y2 Y3 Y4 Half a year absent from school Y5 Y6
Research suggests that 15+days absence a year reduces your chance of achieving level 4 by 50% How do you think 90% attendance rate will affect Sam’s chances of doing well in school?
So, what does an attendance rate of 90% look like? Sam is in Year 8. His attendance rate is always around 90%. He thinks this is pretty good! Marta Camporro-Fernandez
MonTueWedThurFri ? Absent half a day every week 90% attendance means that he is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half-day every week Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Absent for four weeks ? July Sept 38 school weeks In Year 7 Sam’s 90% attendance rate means that he has missed the equivalent of four whole weeks of lessons in the school year. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
If Sam continues to attend for only 90% of the time then over five years he will miss the equivalent of about one half of a school year. Sept July Y7 Y8 Y9 Half a year absent from school Y10 Y11 Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Research suggests that 17 days missed from school in Yr 11 equates to a GCSE grade. How do you think 90% attendance rate will affect Sam’s chances of doing well in school? Marta Camporro-Fernandez
What can we do??? SCHOOL Help you. Send homework home. Offer catching up sessions. Listen to you. Offer counselling. Talk to other teachers. YOU Come to school. Tell us if something is wrong. Do the catching up work. Do homework at home. Do not be late. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Calling all parents/carers We need your support: Good punctuality enhances learning and performance Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Late to school Late to lessons Late to work !!! Stop this habit NOW before it seriously damages your opportunities in life Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Late again!!! Why??? *Can’t get organised in the morning *I have to take my younger brother to his school and sometimes I run a little late. *I have to rely on a lift with an unreliable person *I get bullied during registration *I have to go home at lunchtime to look after my Mum and the distance involved means that I am nearly always late back There is always a reason for being late. If we know, then maybe we can help. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Get help!!! Speak to someone!!! How about: *Form teacher, *Head of year, *School council representative, *Administrative staff, *Teaching assistant, *Learning mentor, *Your favourite teacher, *Or anyone else you feel you can talk to. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Calling all parents/ carers Every day your child is absent impacts on their education and opportunities in adult life. Good punctuality enhances learning and performance. Don’t let your child miss out. Every day counts. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
LATE TO SCHOOL! LATE TO LESSONS! LATE TO WORK! Missing the odd day can become a habit which would not be accepted in the workforce. Stop this habit now before it seriously damages your opportunities in life. If your child is not in school… WHERE ARE THEY? Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Contact the school if you suspect your child may be missing school or is unhappy at school If your child is absent for ANY reason, contact the school on the 1 st day of absence. Make sure your child understands that you do not approve of missing school. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Calling all parents/ carers Every day your child is absent impacts on their education and opportunities in adult life. Good punctuality enhances learning and performance. Don’t let your child miss out. Everyday counts. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Make sure your child arrives at school on time for both the morning and afternoon sessions. Take an interest in your child’s education. Always ask them about their day and praise and encourage their achievements. If your child misses one day they are ALREADY behind with their schoolwork. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD MISS OUT. EVERY DAY COUNTS IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S ATTENDANCE, PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL We are here to support. Every day your child is absent impacts on their education and opportunities in adult life Marta Camporro-Fernandez
If your children are not in school… Where are they? Your child has only one chance at school. Help them make the most of it. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
IS THERE ALWAYS A VALID REASON FOR YOUR CHILD's ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL??? The law says you MUST send your child to school for FIVE days a week. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
If your child misses one day, they are already behind with their schoolwork Missing the odd day can become a habit which would not be accepted in the workforce. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
First day call from us to you First day call from you to us Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Get help!!! Speak to someone! In the school: Form teacher, head of year, school council representative, teaching assistant, pastoral leader, subject teacher or anyone you feel you can talk to. Tell someone, a friend, parent/carer, a member of your family, a neighbour… If we know how you are feeling WE CAN HELP Marta Camporro-Fernandez
PARENTS / CARERS The law says “You MUST send your child to school for five days a week” Is there ALWAYS a valid reason for your child’s absence from school? If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, please contact the school. We are here to support. Your child only had one chance at school. Help them make the most of it. Marta Camporro-Fernandez
LATE TO SCHOOL! LATE TO LESSONS! LATE TO WORK! Missing the odd day can become a habit which would not be accepted in the workforce. Stop this habit now before it seriously damages your opportunities in life. If your child is not in school… WHERE ARE THEY? Marta Camporro-Fernandez
PARENTS / CARERS Make sure you have a copy of their timetable and know the names of the teachers so that you can ask questions: What did you learn in history today? What’s Mr Smith like as an English teacher? You should have Geography homework tonight. Would you like me to help you with it? Marta Camporro-Fernandez
“I was shocked when I got Julie’s report and saw that she’d been absent in the autumn term for 35% days. She goes to school every day, no problem. So I phoned the school to say they’d got it wrong, but they hadn’t. It all adds up”. Julie Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Birthday off (a special treat) Last 3 days of Christmas term (surely they’re winding down anyway) Flu (she can’t help being ill) Uncle Tom over from America (it’s only once every two years) Cold (all her friends had it too) Christmas shopping day (when else can you go when it’s so busy?) Accidentally overslept (we all do it sometimes) Missed bus (I can’t expect her to walk all that way) Babysitting Carleen when I was ill (I couldn’t look after her) 1 day 3 days 5 days 2 days 3 days 1 day 5 days 2 days 33 days out of approximately 91 is 36% absence Total 33 days Two week’s family holiday (it’s cheaper in term time)10 days Marta Camporro-Fernandez
LATE TO SCHOOL! LATE TO LESSONS! LATE TO WORK! Missing the odd day can become a habit which would not be accepted in the workforce. Stop this habit now before it seriously damages your opportunities in life. If your child is not in school… WHERE ARE THEY? Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Children who truant are more likely to offend. Do you know where your child is TODAY??? Girls overtake boys when it comes to truanting at secondary school Marta Camporro-Fernandez
Over one million pupils truant at least once every year. Is your child one of them? Truanting is linked to crime say ministers Marta Camporro-Fernandez