Health Informatics at Kent State University Booth #56 Mike Bice
Health Informatics – Booth #56 Health IT funding to create 50,000 jobs. (Computer World ) Health IT workforce will require higher skill set. (Healthcare IT News ). Clinical IT professionals hard to find. (Healthcare IT News ) Are you ready?
Health Informatics – Booth #56 Earn your 42 credit-hour Master of Science degree with a concentration in Health Informatics. Concentrated 21-month lockstep program for master’s degree Class size limited to 25 students Convenient online lectures One week of on-campus workshops between the first and second year of the program Instructors include corporate health care IT professionals Classes include clinical decision support; legal issues in health informatics; health information systems; leadership and organizational change, etc. No GRE required An 18-credit-hour certificate in health informatics is also available.
Health Informatics – Booth #56 Every day, HI professionals make a difference in the lives of patients, health care providers and administrators by: –Installing and maintaining electronic health record systems; –Educating and advising about health records issues; –Advocating for records quality and standards compliance, especially regarding patient privacy and security; –Providing health information to support clinical decision making; –Analyzing data for research, auditing, quality assessment, risk management and costs assessment.
Health Informatics – Booth #56 “One of the major challenges in health care and health information technology today is the lack of healthcare clinicians who are specifically focused on IT and health care… The IT whiz-kid who just graduated from college doesn’t understand the clinical side, how we are using technology to improve patient care. Instead, we need to educate clinicians to understand the IT side of health care and how the two disciplines can work together to improve care delivery, patient outcomes and the financial bottom line. That’s where I believe Kent State’s health informatics program can fill a big gap in the workforce.” Bonnie Bartos, B.S.N. ’79, FACHE Sr. Engagement Leader, Lighthouse, Cerner Corp. Member, Kent State University Health Informatics Advisory Council
Health Informatics – Booth 56 Visit us at OHIMA to find out how you can prepare for a career in Health Informatics. Before OHIMA, join us for an online open house on Wed., March 23, at noon. Visit for details. Mike Bice, Professor