Targeting Careers Service Resources and supporting WP students Tim Reed Head of Careers and Employability
What I will cover How to begin thinking about targeting resources 3 initiatives at Kent Work Experience Bursary Work-Study Scheme Autism and Employability Project Outcomes Other initiatives
How to begin thinking about targeting resources Need a Strategy Strategic targeting raises the profile of employability and the CES Consider areas of specific need Show “partnership working” in the delivery of the University Employability Strategy (co-ordination and coherence) AND Obtain feedback & measure the impact of employability activities
Work Experience Bursary For Kent students undertaking graduate-level unpaid work experience Bursary contributes to travel expenses etc, in the first 3 weeks (or 120 hours) of work experience For WP students additional bursary for childcare costs etc Students complete an application form Terms and conditions apply 100 students p.a. CES benefits from case studies and employer contacts
Work-Study Scheme Supports WP students in overcoming barriers to graduate-level employment Students undertake training programme “Get it Right” Mentoring available throughout the application and interview process, and whilst working Students are employed and paid via timesheets. The CES completes the HR and Payroll paperwork 500+ students Jobshop opportunities available for non-WP students
Autism and Employability Project Students invited to participate Supported by Wellbeing Adviser and Careers Adviser Proactive careers and employability support and mentoring Partnership working with Student Support & Well-Being students p.a. So far 100% employment of students graduating from the Project (75% in professional occupations)
Outcomes and Benefits 750 students engaged with and supported across the three initiatives Emphasis placed on the need for a co-ordinated approach to enhancing the employability skills of University of Kent students Central role of CES in employability clearly demonstrated CES is seen as contributing to University’s core strategic aims Students with specific needs are supported Positive outcomes and good practice are developed and shared across the University Student Feedback is captured and used to support the ongoing Planning Process
Other Initiatives Alumni Mentoring Scheme Placement Management System Careers Employability Award (Moodle) Student Experience Assistants Bespoke Service Level Agreement (services targeted to needs of Academic Schools) Targeted Employability sessions (by Year group, Industry sector, Employability topic etc) Seminars for PG Taught & Research students (e.g. CHASE) Services for international students Guidance services
Targeting Careers Service Resources and supporting WP students Tim Reed Head of Careers and Employability