북미 Digital TV 방송 표준과 신규 M/H 표준 기술 이해 기존의 북미 디지털 방송표준기술 이해 디지털 TV 방송 표준의 종류와 발전 방향 북미, 유럽 DTV 방송기술 발전 방향 북미의 신규 ATSC-MH 표준기술 소개 Digital TV systems. The things I want to cover for this topic are: Types of …
Types of Digital TV services MSO (for example: DirecTV in USA) Transmitter for particular Terrestrial Broadcaster Cable SO (for example : Comcast ) Home Headend Satellite Terrestrial Cable Car Audio + DMB PDA + DMB Mobile / Portable There are majorly 4 kinds of digital TV service are deployed. Terrestrial DTV, such as ATSC, DVB-T operated by broadcasters. Mobile/Portable such as DVB-H or MediaFLO, operated by mobile service operators. And then there are satellite and cable TV systems.
Digital TV system & Standard Technologies Overall Transmission Diagram PSIP/ DVB-SI insert tool Video Encoder Audio Transport Channel Coding & Modulation RF Amplifier Packetizer Mux ES PES Packet Data Service Section Structure Data link tables PSI Encoding Content production A/V program SI and EPG Data Broadcast Multiplexing : MPEG-2 System + SI (System Information ), ex PSIP, DVB-SI, SCTE-SI, APG, … etc. : VSB (ATSC), QAM (Cable), COFDM (DVB), Emission Stream Home This is how the broadcast programs are delivered through DTV system. At the studio, the contents are encoded with digital audio codec and packetized into the form of PES, along with other additional control data, called PSI/SI or PSI/PSIP. Optionally, data services can be associated within the broadcast stream. All those data is segmented into the form of MPEG-2 Transport packet, and then multiplexed to form a transport stream. After applying channel coding and modulation, the transport stream is now transmitted through RF channel.
Building DTV Transport Stream ‘Packetized Elementary Stream’ video PES audio PES private data PES This is an example of DTV Transport stream carrying data for one broadcast program. Video PES, Audio PES and possibly private data PES are segmented into Transport Packet units and then multiplexed into a transport stream, along with PSI sections, which contains the control signaling data for this program. ‘Transport Streams containing one program’ V A D PSI
DTV (MPEG-2) Transport Stream 1011001101101111000…110100010000010001000…10100011011101… 1011010100…10010011001…0111… 188 Bytes 188 Bytes 188 Bytes MPEG2 Transport Stream MPEG2 Transport Stream Packet MPEG2 Transport Stream Packet MPEG2 Transport Stream Packet 188 byte Transport Stream Packet MPEG2 Transport Stream Header MPEG2 Adaptation Field(op.) MPEG2 Transport Stream Payload This is a conceptual illustration for a DTV Transport Stream. Basically, it is a stream of bits, where it can be segmented into 188 byte units, MPEG-2 Transport packets. Each MPEG-2 TP has it’s own PID, which is used to identify which elementary stream this transport packet belongs to. 4byte Sync byte Transport Error indicator Payload Unit start indicator Transport priority PID Transport Scrambling control Adaptation Field control Continuity counter (NEXT PAGE) 8 1 1 1 13 2 2 4
PSI (Program Specific Information) Tables Repetition Cycles PAT (Max. 100ms). PMTs (Max. 400ms.) Program 1 TS PID 0 PAT PID22 PMT PID 48 Program 2 PID 54 PID 33 PMT PSI. Program Specific Information. This is defined by ISO/IEC 13818-1, MPEG-2 system, which contains the control signaling data for a transport stream in a structured table format. There are two important tables, PAT and PMT. PAT identifies the transport stream and identifies the number of programs carried through the transport stream. PMT identifies what kind of elementary streams are included in a single program and also identifies the PIDs for each elementary stream. So, with PAT and PMT, the receiver can figure out the transport packets it wants to receive. Program 0 PID 16 NIT PID 1 CAT
MPEG-2 and DVB-SI Tables (optional) MPEG-2 (defined) DVB (mandatory) PID=0x0010 Network Infomation PID=0x0000 PID=0x0010 NIT Other Network PAT NIT Actual transport stream PID=0x0011 SDT Other transport stream Service Description PID=0x0001 PID=0x0012 PID=0x0012 CAT PID=0x0011 EIT Actual transport stream schedule EIT Other transport stream present/following Event Information SDT Actual transport stream EIT Other transport stream schedule PID=0x0014 PID=0x10 to 0x1FFE PID=0x0012 TOT Time Offset PMT EIT Actual transport Stream present./following PMT PMT Along with PSI tables, DVB defined some additional tables to provide additional signaling information, such as program name, description, and the schedule of a program, etc. PID=0x0024 Broadcaster Information Table BIT PID=0x0010 to 0x0014 ST Stuffing PID=0x0023 Software Download Trigger Table SDTT
PSIP tables and Hierarchical Structure B-PID *Base PID = 0x1ffb STT RRT MGT PID-X PID-Y PID-Z PID-L PID-M PID-N VCT PID-V EIT-0 EIT-1 EIT-2 source_id source_id source_id ETT-0 ETT-1 ETT-2 channel x: source_id ETT-V text messages text messages text messages for EIT-0 for EIT-1 for EIT-2 text messages channel y: source_id service_ location_ descriptor carrier_ frequency source_id source_id source_id for VCT On the other hand, ATSC has defined a protocol called PSIP. Originally, the intention of PSIP was to enable the DTV system can operate without PSI tables. It defines a number of tables, such as STT, RRT, MGT, VCT, EIT, ETT. The VCT provides all the necessary information to acquire a program along with PIDs for elementary streams forming a program. EITs and ETTs provide a program guide information for a broadcast stream, such as title of event, schedule and additional description. RRT defines the parental control rating dimensions and values, STT provides the current time information. Tuner
PSIP Tables in EPG Service This is an EPG example which can be built with PSIP tables. Note that, along with schedule and event titles, additional descriptions can be provided.
PSIP tables: Section Header Structure All the PSIP tables have same well-known PIDs and then the tables are differentiated with their table ids. This is an example of the table section headers of PSIP tables, along with their table ids.
SI Table: Sections, TS Table Section1 Section2 …… Section N Section Where, A/V elementary streams are packetized into PES, SI Tables are packetized into the form of sections. These sections and then segmented to 188 byte transport packets for the transmission. TS 188 Byte pointer_field = 0 pointer_field
Single-Program Decoder DTV Receiver (ATSC Decoder for Terrestrial Broadcasting) Single-Program Decoder MPEG-2 Bitstream MPEG-2 Decoder Display Processing Video DTV Tuner Physical Channel Select AC-3 Bitstream Audio AC-3 Decoder Sound Processing Demux Transport Stream (19.4 Mb/s) Time Stamps 8-VSB Demod- ulator Clock Recovery and A/V Synchronization PCR’s This is a configuration example of the DTV receiver. When the receiver is tuned to an RF channel, after baseband processing, the transport stream is fed into the de-multiplexer. The de-multiplexer directs the transport packents into appropriate decoders for processing or display. Program Select (from User) Program Select Program Guide Database
Terrestrial DTV Broadcast Service Example 1 2 3 4 . 15 16 69 Video ES PID 0x31 Audio ES (KOR) PID 0x34 Audio ES (ENG) PID 0x35 HD Movie CH. 30-1 Video ES PID 0x51 Broadcast Station 620.31MHz (PTC-15) Audio ES (ENG) PID 0x54 SD Show CH. 30-5 Data ES PID 0x78 19.39 Mbps Video ES PID 0x61 Audio ES (KOR) PID 0x64 This is a typical terrestrial DTV broadcast service example. Multiple services/programs can be multiplexed into a single transport stream and a single physical transmission channel. In this example, one HD service and two SD services are multiplexed and transmitted through the physical channel 15. SD Drama CH. 30-6 Audio ES (ENG) PID 0x65 HD Video ES PSI PSIP SD Video ES SD Video ES Data ES Audio ES Audio ES Audio ES Audio ES Audio ES Null packets 19.39 Mbps
DTV Service Acquisition Flow Example SD CH. 30-5 System Decoder MPEG-2 Video Decoder AC-3 Audio Decoder V D P If (CHANNEL KEY) or (EPG request KEY) Audio PID 0x54 (ENG) Video TP Audio TP Tuner 620.31MHz (PTC-15) PAT PMT PSIP Data Base PSI(data) TP PSIP Tables 2) Get A/V PIDs 1) set Base PID 0x1FFB and parse PSIP Tables 5) Service ready 3) Make PSIP Database 4) set A/V PIDs (Video PID 0x51/ Audio PID 0x54) Let’s assume that the user wanted to watch channel 30-5. When user selects the channel 30-5 through channel up down or punching the number or selecting the channel through EPG, the receiver sets up the tuner to the physical channel 15. After tuning, the transport stream is fed into the receiver. The receiver sets up the system decoder, the demultiplexer to the base PID 0x1FFB an gathers PSIP tables. Parsing through these PSIP tables, the receiver finds out the PIDs for audio and video streams of channel 30-5. The receiver sets up the system decopder to pass through those transport packets with the PIDs just found, then the video TPs go through video decoder and the audio TPs go through audio decoder. So, now the service is ready to watch.
Standards for Digital Broadcasting 규격진행 완료 진행 신규 기존 Digital 방송 표준 IP & Mobile 방송 표준 지상파전송 System Information Cable 위성 이동 방송 IPTV 북미 VSB MPEG2 + PSIP Open Cable DirecTV Media FLO ATIS-IIF 국제 표준 ITU-T IPTV GSI ATSC-MH ATSC 2.0 ATSC-NRT DVB-S2 DVB-CBMS OIPTV DVB-NGH DVB-GBS DVB-C2 DVB-SH DVB-T2 유럽 MPEG2 + DVB-SI DVB-C DVB-S DVB-H DVB-IPTV This is how the broadcast programs are delivered through DTV system. At the studio, the contents are encoded with digital audio codec and packetized into the form of PES, along with other additional control data, called PSI/SI or PSI/PSIP. Optionally, data services can be associated within the broadcast stream. All those data is segmented into the form of MPEG-2 Transport packet, and then multiplexed to form a transport stream. After applying channel coding and modulation, the transport stream is now transmitted through RF channel. DVB-T DVB-T {2} : DVB-Terrestrial ( 유럽 {차세대} 지상파 전송 규격 ) DVB-C {2} : DVB-Cable ( 유럽 {차세대} 케이블 전송 규격 ) DVB-SH : DVB-Satellite & Handheld ( 유럽 위성 이동방송 전송규격 ) DVB-SI : DVB-System Information ( 유럽 시스템 정보 규격 ) DVB-NGH : Next Generation Handhelds (차세대 지상파 이동방송 전송 규격) DVB-GBS : Generic Broadcasting and data System information (지상파,위성,케이블,이동방송 등에서 사용하는 통합 SI 규격) ITU-T IPTV GSI : IPTV의 국제표준 회의 (유럽,북미 IPTV 표준 coordination) NRT (None Real Time) : 북미 ATSC의 비 실시간 방송 표준 (예: push VOD) DVB-CBMS : Convergence of Broadcasting and Mobile System (DVB-H 상에 IP기반 이동방송을 위한 SI 규격) DVB-IPTV : DVB-Internet Protocol Television ( 유럽 IPTV 규격 ) Media FLO : Media Forward Link only ( 미국 이동방송 규격 ) ATIS IIF : Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions’ IPTV Interoperability Forum ( 미국 IPTV 규격 ) OIPTV : Open IPTV Forum (CE를 중심으로 빠른 IPTV 표준 개발, Retail Market을 목적으로 한 표준 단체-Sony,SS,Philips 등)
None Real Time & Portability Broadcasting + Communication 북미, 유럽의 지상파 DTV 방송 기술 발전 방향은 북미 : MH (Mobile and Handheld) + Advanced A/V Codec (H.264, AAC) + { NRT (Non Real Time) } ’09년 디지털 전환과 맞추어 시범 서비스 진행 목표 2012년 목표 ATSC 2.0의 Feature Set 을 Survey, 표준화 Item 논의 유럽 : 지상파 DVB-T 의 HD 전송 효율을 30% 이상 높이기 위한 T2 기술 개발 완료 (’08년 6월) Implementation Guideline 작업 진행 Mobility 표준으로 발전을 위하여 NGH (Next Generation Handheld)로 Study Mission 진행 북미 MH and NRT 유럽 HD and Mobile None Real Time & Portability HD TX Hybrid ATSC 2.0 DVB-T DVB-S pc 3 NRT Data S13-1 SSP IP T2 ATSC (1.0) NGH SH pc 4 DVB-C C2 DVB-H CBMS pc 2 S4-1,2,3,4 ATSC-MH PC (Planning Committee) E-VSB Robust Mobile Broadcasting + Communication
ATSC Standard Roadmap ~2004 2004~2009 2009~2012 2012~ ATSC 1.0 E-VSB ATSC 2.0 : Backward compatible with ATSC1.0 (2012) ATSC 3.0 : Non-backward compatible with ATSC1.0 (2017) ~2004 2004~2009 2009~2012 2012~ Backward Compatibility No Backward Compatibility NRT1) ATSC 1.0 ATSC 2.0 ATSC 3.03) Data S13-1 E-VSB VSB ATSC-M/H PC-42) Work S4-1,2,3,4 ’09년 2Q 시범서비스 1) NRT : Non Real Time 2) PC : ATSC Planning Committee 3) ATSC 3.0 : 현재 표준은 논의되고 있지 않으나 향후 통방/IP 융합에 따른 새로운 전송 규격이 논의될 것으로 예상되고 있음 – payload rate 30% 향상, mobile/fixed flexibility 강화 예상됨
How the ATSC-M/H evolved VSB: HD Transmission capability, Lack of mobility E-VSB: More robust for better signal reception ATSC-M/H: Introduced enhancement for mobility based on VSB 18
ATSC-M/H (Mobile / Handheld) 19 In-band Mobile/Handheld Broadcast Within ATSC RF Spectrum Targeted Service Launching February 2009 Specialists Group (TSG – S4) Kicked-off on 6/27/2007 RFP to Member Companies Qualcomm: MediaFLO Thomson / Micronas: Staggercasting, SVC Samsung / Rhode & Schwartz: A-VSB (Advanced VSB) LG / Zenith / Harris: MPH (Mobile Pedestrian Handheld) Nokia: OMA-BCAST Dolby – Coding Technology: HE AACv2 + MPEG Surround DTS – DTS-LBR
ATSC-M/H Major Requirements 20 Mobility The system shall operate at speed up to at least 75 mph. (120 km/h) The system shall operate when the devices are stationary or moving at walking speeds of about 3 mph. (4.8 km/h) Backwards Compatibility The presence of ATSC-M/H services shall not preclude or prevent operation of current ATSC services in the same RF channel. Current ATSC receivers are not expected to be able to decode or display ATSC-M/H services. Interoperability The system should consider interoperability with other mobile broadcasting systems.
ATSC-M/H Standard Timeline 21 2007 2008 2009 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 • S4 Work/Consensus/Final (6/10/08) • Finalize test Plan (~1 Month following) • Lab tests (8 ~ 10/08) • Field Tests (9 ~ 11/08) • S4 Recommendation/TSG Ballot (09/11 ~ 25/08) • Candidate Standard Period (6 Months) • TSG Proposed Standard Ballot (6 ~ 8 weeks) • Membership Ballot (~4 weeks) Service Launching • ATSC Standard (Q3/09)
ATSC-MH 기존의 digital TV 방송 대역폭 중 일부를 mobile/handheld 용으로 할당하여 이동 방송을 서비스하는 북미의 Terrestrial Mobile 방송 기술 1 2 3 4 . 15 16 69 19.39 Mbps HD Video ES PSI PSIP Audio ES MH Service Audio ES 19.39 Mbps
M/H Service Multiplexing
M/H Service Signaling IP Network Interface Setup Through FIC IP Level Service Signaling Through SMT-MH
Structure of ATSC A/153 Working Draft The draft Standard is organized as follows: Part 1 (Overview & Configuration Control) Part 2 (RF/Transmission) Part 3 (Transport) Part 4 (Announcement) Part 5 (Application Presentation) Part 6 (Service Protection) Part 7 (Video) Part 8 (Audio)
A/153 Parts S13-1 Part 7 Part 4 Part 5 Part 8 Part 3 Part 6 Part 3 NRT S13-1 A/153 Parts Part 7 Part 4 Part 5 CEA 708 AFD OMA BCAST Service Guide RME Part 8 HE AAC v2 AVC Part 3 FLUTE Part 6 Signaling Channel Service ALC/LCT NTP Time Service Rights Issuer Object STKM Part 3 RTP/RTCP Part 3 UDP IPv4 FIC Part 2 RS Frame M/H Physical Layer 8-VSB RF A/53
“And how do all of the parts connect?”
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