Claire W. Clark Leela Shanti Equality and Diversity
Smoking is a major factor 6.1% population claiming Disability Living Attendance/Allowance 2.3% Under 18 years old providing unpaid care (England average 2.9%) Maidstone highest proportion of children living in poverty and with the highest level of obesity in West Kent Sevenoaks district has the highest proportion of those over 65+ Life expectancy in Sevenoaks 4.5 years lower for men Mortality Rates fallen across West Kent 95% White population. 4.9% BME with majority situated in Maidstone describing themselves as ‘Other Asian’ 63.7% described as themselves as Christian. 26.5% as No Religion. 0.8% Muslim. 0.6% Hindu Teenage pregnancy lower than Kent average
Equality Act 2010 Section 149 (1) puts various requirements on the public sector when conducting their functions. The general duty is having due regard to: 1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the act 2. Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristics and those who do not share it 3. Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
Developed by NHS England Designed for NHS Commissioners and NHS providers to grade their performance Engage and discuss with our community and local partners to review, improve performance for people with characteristics Linked to NHS Constitution, NHS outcomes Framework, Care Quality Commission’s Strategy
The NHS Equality Objectives are: 1) Better health outcomes 2) Improved patient access and experience 3) A representative and supported workforce 4) Inclusive leadership
How we have collected the information The EDS review is carried out by our Clinical Commissioning Group in discussion with our local partners and populations
Your views are important to us: It will help in making important decisions about planning, developing, commissioning, manage working environments, activities that aim to improve working lives
Agree a grade on each outcome Setting out 4/5 Equality Objectives for the business planning This will be integrated within West Kent CCG business planning process. Equality objectives will be published on progress, plans, shared with NHS England Teams, Commissioning Boards etc