Gilda certificates
Certification Authority
Personal certificate The user must request a certificate, giving their name, place of work, and address. This request is then accepted or rejected by an authorised person at the CA. This process is carried out manual to enhance security.
Personal certificate – Step1 Install in your web browser the GILDA CA certificate.
Personal certificate – Step1 Install in your web browser the GILDA CA certificate.
Personal certificate – Step2 Then request for a personal certificate
Personal certificate – Step3 When the request has been accepted from GILDA administrators you will receive a mail: “Dear GILDA User, you can download your GILDA Personal Certificate going, *with the same browser you used to submit the request*, from the URL: Your certificate will be valid for 365 days and you will be notified in due time for renewal. In order to use GILDA, you now have: 1) to explicitly accept the GILDA Use Policy: 2) to register to the GILDA VO (usually, registration takes a working day): 3) to register to the GILDA Support System:
Personal certificate – Step3 Request to be registered to the GILDA VO with the link provided in the mail When the VO registration will be accepted you will be able to use the GILDA infrastructure