Configure on-premises SharePoint environment for App/Add-in Koncern-it Dias 1
About Anders Dissing Freelance SharePoint Consultant Founder of a Danish SharePoint user group – SharePoint MVP Contact information - / Twitter - LinkedIn - Koncern-it
Agenda History Why app/add-in? Fundamental tems Creating apps for SharePoint that use high-trust authorization - One or more certificate? App domain vs sub App domain Apps upgrade Check list Demo Koncern-it
History -Back in SharePoint 2007 (MOSS), Microsoft announced that SharePoint was now a development platform. -There have been many solutions that have been made to SharePoint has been blamed for being a platform with bad performens. -In SharePoint 2010 was sandbox solution introduced. This should be the solution to custom code that destroyed performens on SharePoint. -In SharePoint 2013 was app modelen introduced. Here are custom code moved from SharePoint. Koncern-it
Why app/add-in? Remove custom and potential bad code way from the SharePoint. App deployment, don’t cost SharePoint downtime. Build on common web stack technology. So easier it is on bonding new non-SharePoint developer. Microsoft is still investing in App model, not only to SharePoint but the whole Office suite. Koncern-it
Fundamental tems Host web -The SharePoint website, where the app is initiate from. App web -A SharePoint website that is create to contain SharePoint artefact. Remote web -Remote web eg. A local hosted IIS website or website hosted in Azure, amazon, google etc. High-trust/low-trust -High trust is done via a certificate and between SharePoint server (server-to-server/S2S) and a IIS website to host the app code. High Trust are primarily used on premise. -Low trust is via Azure Access Control Service (AAC) and can be used both on premise and in Office 365 (SharePoint Online). Koncern-it
Fundamental tems Two options for hosting apps Provider hosted SharePoint hosted *
Fundamental tems App instans? SharePoint hosted app? Url format * and
Creating apps for SharePoint that use high-trust authorization - One or more certificate? Creating apps for SharePoint that use high-trust authorization The certificate has to be registered with as a trusted token issuer before SharePoint will trust the tokens that it issues. There are two kinds of token issuers; some can only issue tokens for a particular app for SharePoint, others, called trust brokers, can issue tokens for multiple apps for SharePoint. - us/library/office/jj945118(v=office.15).aspx#TwoKindsOfIssuers us/library/office/jj945118(v=office.15).aspx#TwoKindsOfIssuers IsTrustBroker An på om man bruge et eller flere certifikater, skal man bruge -IsTrustBroker. Hvis man bruger et skal - IsTrustBroker sættes. As a practical matter, SharePoint farm administrators determine which type of token issuer is created by the switches and parameter values they use with the New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer cmdlet. To create a token issuer that is a trust broker, add the –IsTrustBroker switch to the command line and use a unique value, other than an app's client ID, for the –Name parameter. The following is an edited example. - us/library/jj aspx us/library/jj aspx HighTrustConfig-ForSingleApp It is possible to make several SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer, eg. How to use AppClientId as part of the token Koncern-it
App domain vs sub App domain For security reasons, the domain name that you choose should not be a subdomain of the root domain name that hosts other applications. This is because other applications that run under that host name might contain sensitive information that is stored in cookies that might not be protected. Code can set or read cookies across different domains that are under the same domain App domain = Sub app domain = Koncern-it
Apps upgrade SharePoint App sharepoint-2013-app-with-powershell.aspx sharepoint-2013-app-with-powershell.aspx How to: Update apps for SharePoint AppWeb - HostWeb - RemoteWeb - Update event - Demo: b15dc651/sourcecode?fileId=76760&pathId= b15dc651/sourcecode?fileId=76760&pathId=
Check list Microsoft Checklist: US/library/office/jj aspx US/library/office/jj aspx Microsoft Seller Dashboard: us/library/office/dn356576(v=office.15).aspx us/library/office/dn356576(v=office.15).aspx My notes: Permission Version number AppPrincipal (client id) is matching both web.config og appmainfest.xml
Demo Configure on-premises SharePoint environment for App/Add-in Koncern-it
Extra PeoplePicker - Picker Picker AntiForgeryToken Resize Bootstrap viewport scale Apps for SharePoint UX design guidelines - us/library/office/jj220046(v=office.15).aspx us/library/office/jj220046(v=office.15).aspx Introducing Office UI Fabric to-designing-add-ins-for-office/ to-designing-add-ins-for-office/ Install, uninstall or update via PowerShell - update-or-uninstall-a-sharepoint-2013-app-with-powershell.aspx update-or-uninstall-a-sharepoint-2013-app-with-powershell.aspx
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