CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG21 Experience with Vertical Electro-Polishing at CEA Saclay Comparison with Horizontal EP F. Eozénou
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2011 IHEP WG22 STATUS AT TTC 2011 Commissioning of the VEP set-up First operation with 1Cell
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG23 IMPROVEMENT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE IN 2012 Working area closed Tooling for the preparation of the cavity Cathode’s insertion in 9Cells Handling of cavities w/wo He vessel
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG24 OPERATION IN 2012 CavityVoltage (V)Acid flow L/minduration (min)Removal rate µm/min 1C C AC AC AC C tbd 1AC AC AC01I(V) AC AC C1-45I(V) C1-45I(V) AC03I(V) AC TB9R >20106~0.30 TB9R >20120<0.30 1AC AC tbd 19 EP sequences Running time: 55 hours, no major failure Trend: V↓ acid flow↑
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG25 STANDARD PARAMETERS FOR HORIZONTAL EP High operating voltage: V →Oscillating current Acid flow rate: ~ 10L/min Acid temperature: T<35°C ω=1rpm Because of ω, veq=10 -2 m.s -1 → Are these parameters suitable for VEP??? Easy removal of exhaust gases
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG26 VEP WITH INNAPROPRIATE PARAMETERS (1Cells) 20V - 8L/min - T<25°C Very bright surface… … But fine stripes at Iris Equator (upper half cell) 12V <V<20V - 8L/min - 30°C<T<35°C Local pitting (crown) Asymmetric treatment Pitting + faster removal! Bubble traces 1C21 1AC3 ! Asymmetric treatment !
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG27 POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF HIGH V, HIGH T, LOW ACID FLOW O 2 generated if V>12V If flow unsufficient: Risk of heating (pits) Risk of unsufficient removal of bubbles Wider plateau with higher flow rate + low flow at cavity surface (COMSOL)
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG28 RF RESULTS WITH INITIAL PARAMETERS 1C21 Cavity Eacc>30MV/m with high voltage VEP. Must be improved with optimized parameters.
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG29 IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROCESS Decrease in operating voltage: ~ 6V No change in performance (demonstrated for HEP) No risk of O 2. H 2 risk remains Less sulfur generated Increase in the acid flowrate: >20L/min Better removal of bubbles Less heating in the cavity Increase in cathode’s diameter (or shaped cathode) Higher flow at the cavity surface More efficient bubble removal (less H2/cathode surface)
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG210 1Cell VEP WITH NEW PARAMETERS →VEP of 1AC1 Parameters: 6V - 25L/min – 19°C Bright surface of both half cells No bubble trace / No pitting No heating of the acid No sulfur odour Cavity assembled in Cleanroom. Waiting for VT.
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG211 Additional RF RESULT Better surface achieved Pits partially removed In spite of pits, the cavity is tested → Quench at 34MV/m at the pit area (Standard Q-Slope before baking) 1AC3: pits due to unadapted parameters (total 250 µm VEP) → + 60 µm with optimized parameters.
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG212 CATHODE’S OPTIMIZATION COMSOL modeling to optimize the shape of the cathode (K. Muller) Method: Design Of Experiment Response evaluated: uniformity of the removal (acid flow + electric field) Parameters: Shape geometry: cylindrical/ellipsoidal Shape diameter Length of the shape Axis diameter Acid flow modelling with optimized cathode Optimized cathode for 1Cell
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG213 VEP OF 9Cell CAVITY WITH OPTIMIZED PARAMETERS 6V - 24L/min - T<25°C Cathode: rod Ø40 mm ~ 60 µm removed Heating < +3°C Very bright surface… No bubble trace Brightness improved / previous HEP Promising Result! Treatment of TB9R1025 ILC cavity from (previously H-EP)
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG214 TEST PREPARATION Modification of infrastructure for 9Cell 1.3GHz testing. Cryostat prepared for test at 1.8K Delay: Mistake occured during initial test Final test planned for early December Before/after baking
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG215 CONCLUSION Desirable parameters for VEP are put forward: Low voltage: 6V High acid flow Low temperature Large cathode Results observed: No bubble trace / No pitting Nice surface finish Symmetric brightening in the cell Low heating in the cavity 1Cell and 9Cell treated with new parameters: waiting for test Eacc>30MV/m with inappropriate parameters Outlook increase gradually the temperature and acid flowin coming treatments to increase the removal rate VEP of SPL cavities in early 2013
CEA DSM Irfu 11/06/2016- F. Eozénou - TTC Meeting 2012 JLab WG216 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION