S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT Enhanced Public Safety Wireless Data System ($3.6M) Public Safety Voice Radio Replacement/Refresh (est. $23-29M) SFO 700MHz Interoperable Voice Network Upgrades and Radios (est. $4M) 700MHz Interop Voice On- street Coverage($2.3M) 800MHz Core Voice Network and Console Upgrades ($2.1M) 800MHz Project 25 Digital Voice Conversion to CERS System, w/ Consoles and Backhaul (est. $33M) 700MHz Voice In-building Coverage (est. $3M) Muni Radio Replacement Project - 700MHz Project 25 Voice Radio and Underground Coverage System ($87M) Shared Public Service Voice Radio Network (est. $8-$10M) *Funding sources to date have included UASI ‘06-’08 Grants, PSIC Grant, COPS 2007 Grant, DEM 911 Fee Funds, SFO Capital Project Budget, SFMTA Prop K Funds, and FTA Grants. Potential future funding sources include SAFETEA-LU Appropriation, UASI Funds, and Broadband (BTOP) Stimulus Funds. Indicates Unfunded ProjectsIndicates Funded Projects Voice Radio Communications and Interoperability Enhancements for all City Departments Broadband Data Communications Enhancements Projects should be done concurrently 700MHz BayWEB (Bay Area Wireless Enhanced Broadband), Project Cornerstone Trial, (Estimating $2M for site improvements, in addition to device and user fees) I NTEROPERABILITY P ROGRAM S CHEDULE AND F UNDING *
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT Initial system (1998) was designed with a 10 year life-cycle for infrastructure, 5 year life-cycle for radios Several components in the existing system are obsolete – Prime and Remote Site Controller Failures have been occurring – Master Site Equipment is End of Support some spare parts are on site, but limited availability of parts in general – 68% of Radios are End of Support XTS3000, MTS and MCS Radios New system will offer better coverage – Improve Hunters Point communications New system offers Interoperability – Standards-Based Technology – Multiple Manufacturers Support Digital Technology offers enhanced features – Programming over the air, GPS/AVL, TBD – Based on SFPD feedback, digital audio is clearer and easier to understand R ADIO S YSTEM B ENEFIT, C HALLENGES, AND R ISKS
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT R ADIO S YSTEM O BSOLETE C OMPONENTS ComponentProduct CancellationEnd of Support Master Site ExpansionDecember 2004December 2011 Master Site Controllers: 6809 Controllers (CERS) MTC 3600 Controllers (PERS) 2005 March 2009 June 2009 July 2016 Simulcast/Voting CHDecember 2007December 2014 Remote SitesDecember 2007December 2014 Console PositionsDecember 2009December 2016 IR ChannelsDecember 2009December 2016 MTS2000 Portable RadiosJune 2005June 2010 XTS3000 Portable RadiosJune 2005June 2010 MCS2000 Mobile RadiosSeptember 2005September 2010 Astro Digtal Spectra ConsolettesDecember 2005December 2010 Astro Spectra Mobile RadiosMay 2006December 2011
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT *Notes – Infrastructure costs may increase $2-$3Million if project is not run concurrently with SF MTA Project Estimates do not include SFMTA management fee (30-40% EDI) Infrastructure costs will be finalized once bids are received (November 1 st, 2010) SFMTA requests certification of funds at contract execution (January 1 st, 2011) P ROJECT B - B UDGET P ROJECTIONS FOR P UBLIC S ERVICE V OICE R ADIO N ETWORK (S HARED MTA/M UNI S YSTEM )
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT P ROJECT C – B AY WEB, P ROJECT C ORNERSTONE, AND BTOP BayWEB (Bay Area Wireless Enhanced Broadband) will deploy a 700MHz Regional Public Safety Wireless Broadband System – 10 Bay Area Counties and Cities within – Pilot Project (“Project Cornerstone”) underway – Funding awarded through the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) Federal Grant – $50Million to build-out 200 sites across the Bay Area, 20 sites in San Francisco – Public/Private Partnership with Motorola, Inc. Additional Estimated Costs include: – Approx. $2Million for Site Improvements – Estimated $500-$2000 per wireless device – Monthly Service fees estimated between $30-$50 per user – Users include SFPD, SFFD, SFSD, DEM and DT (initially)
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT A DDITIONAL C RITICAL P UBLIC S AFETY S YSTEMS Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Replacement Project ($13M-$15M) 911 Telephone System, State 911 Tax Funded, Cost TBD Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Refresh with Tiburon ($2.75M-$3.25M) Indicates Unfunded ProjectsIndicates Funded Projects
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT C OMPUTER A IDED D ISPATCH (CAD) U PGRADE Existing Tiburon CAD System* went live: April 2000 End of enhancements: March 31, 2012 End of support: March 31, 2015 *System is based on Cobol technology and is highly customized Options ^ to Upgrade/Replace 1. Refresh system to currently supported Tiburon product (95% compatible with existing system): Cost:$2.75M-$3.25M Time to implement:2 years Estimated end of life Replace CAD system through RFP process: Cost:$13M-$15M Time to implement:3-6 years Estimated end of life: ^Either option would provide DEM with a fully supported Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) system based on current IT standards.
S AN F RANCISCO D EPARTMENT OF E MERGENCY M ANAGEMENT 911 T ELEPHONE S YSTEM Today - Analog 911 Telephone System Installed in 1999, Upgraded in 2006 Components include Nortel PBX, Alternative Answering Back-up Solution, Symposium (software), Positron Lifeline and Workstations Upgrade to be funded by CA State 911 Tax Time to implement is estimated at 3 years Project to be implemented with existing staff New system would offer: Digital/IP Capabilities NextGen 911 TBD