When we last met… Issues on the table for NERFC included: Commence migration activities Transition to GFE QPF production Test & Evaluate Daily QC as a means for MAP Transition to GFFG Work with Deltares on HEC-RAS LOT to develop a Parallel Ops plan
Progress report Migration is nearly complete A few lingering issues migrating the Hudson Latest batch of RTI segments to be tested and implemented by Sept ‘09 NERFC issuing all QPFs via GFE Staff trained, worked out the kinks with the Verification folks and took care of in-house scripts for web graphics
Progress report Daily QC grids being run daily HAS unit leading this effort Comparison data sets available back to April 2009 Staff to be trained Aug/Sept GFFG up/running in parallel 2 x a day – posted to a web page WFOs evaluating in real-time
Progress report Continuing to work closely with Deltares on HEC-RAS Connecticut river running on laptop Includes a dam with gates and a levee Successfully runs over 3 month period including spillway activation and levee breach Still awaiting CHPS/LINUX version
Progress report Local Implementation Plan for Parallel Operations has been developed Under final review at this time Items addressed include: Forcings and Forecast comparisons/validation Forecaster assignments Workload assessment
Challenges in Migration Process Migration has been time consuming Frustration over failure of migration scripts following various upgrades and installations Embedded nature of variables being referenced in many different locations has made trouble shooting very difficult and solutions are not always intuitive Migration training was too short – needed to include in depth discussion of system, file structure and trouble shooting What was provided was excellent Note that NERFC was brought into process late but we may actually be a good litmus test for the remaining 9 RFCs On-line system still not functioning as expected Hopeful that Sys Admin training will address its configuration, functionality, differences with Off-line system
Challenges in Migration Process Migration has been very rewarding Great deal of satisfaction when you get a basin to work! Each phone call to Peter or Matthijs during the various “challenges” is a learning experience in itself! Deltares support has been very good Best results have come from combination of /list server and one-on-one visits and phone calls Two-day visits following the Testing workshops have been packed, very rushed – really need more than 2 days at this point