© 2014 IBM Corporation Activity Streams Integration IBM Connections 5.0 Workshop Author: Paul Godby IBM Ecosystem Development Duration: 45 minutes
Agenda Overview Components of an Event Components of OpenSocial Gadgets Deployment / Configuration APIs
Social Application Container Social networking sites attempt to increase participation by allowing 3 rd parties to build new applications A site that hosts a 3 rd party application is a container The app can leverage the social data of the user base The app drives new users back to root site to build user base for it's service Container builds more value for users by providing more content A container typically consists of at least 3 categories of user-based social information 1) User profile – Information a developer can use to provide a personalized user experience 2) Network – friends and relevant social contacts 3) Activity Stream – user's news feed that provides aggregated view of network updates Contains events and the means to act upon them Updating the Activity Stream allows developers to reach a new audience (from a user's network) and drive traffic to their applications
Activity Stream
Activity Stream entries Recent comments Image preview In-line actions
Embedded Experiences Social application built on top of the infrastructure defined by the container 3 rd party application developers build on top of existing container Container development ensures features are up to date, adds/removes supported features (ie: OAuth) Application developers can spend more time on their own application In IBM Connections: OpenSocial Gadgets that display a preview of a Connections application object (File, Status Update, Blog Entry, etc). Allow simple social actions on the object such as commenting and liking. Display from activity stream UI in a popup
Open Social gadgets Gadget URL included in activity stream event posted from an application Event can point to IBM Connections gadgets or external gadgets that will be displayed in the EE popup
iWidgets vs OpenSocial Gadgets iWidgetOpenSocial Gadget Activity Streams *X Share DialogX Home PageXX ProfilesX CommunitiesX RenderinginlineiFrame SpecificationiWidget 1.0OpenSocial 2.0 Recommendation: Use an OpenSocial Gadget when possible Provides better integration and code reuse opportunities with other products Example: IBM Notes / Domino 9 * Available in the following applications: Home Page, Profiles, Communities
Agenda Overview Components of an Event Components of OpenSocial Gadgets Deployment / Configuration APIs
Data Model Serialized using the JSON data format using the ActivityStrea.ms specification Event tells the story of a person performing an action on or with an object Primarily consists of: Actor = describes the entity that performed the activity Verb = identifies the action the activity describes Object = describes the primary object of the activity Target = target of the activity, dependent on the verb Goal is to provide enough metadata that the consumer (social application container) can present it in a rich human-friendly format Consider the following sentence: Martin posted a blog entry to his blog. Actor Verb Object Target
Activity Stream sample event Minimum data for posting an event in IBM Connections Actor = user performing the action To = target user's stream (if left out, event will post to actor's stream)
Reference an OpenSocial Gadget Add a “gadget” section to the “openSocial → embed” JSON object
Include additional data from 3 rd party system Add a “context” section to the “openSocial → embed” JSON object You can retrieve this data later using OpenSocial APIs in your gadget
IBM Connections Extensions Saved Store an event to easily revisit at a future time Actionable Flag an event as important and requires the user's attention Rollup Add to existing event (ie: a comment) and “roll it up” to the top of the stream
@mentions Requires IBM Connections 4.5 CR4+ Must set the event verb to “mention” Requires the IBM Connections uUid and a display name
URL Preview Requires IBM Connections 5.0+ Must use an API to first retrieve the meta data, then add as attachment to the event Oembed / meta-data API: Returns meta-data associated with a given url passed in input API shaped on oEmbed standard - Format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on third party sites /opengraph/basic/{anonymous}/api/embed?url= Image proxy resizer API: /connections/thumbnail/api/imageProxy?url= &maxHeight= &maxWidth= Return the image resized, with ration maintained Return png format Accept most common image formats (jpg, png, bmp) as input
Activity Stream Events: Important things to know! Gotchas: Data will be deleted after predefined interval (default is 30 days) Unless marked “Saved” or “Actionable” Events only contain references to items in other systems The Activity Stream is NOT a data repository When designing your application: Do not assume a user will see the event... Users should continute to be able to perform workflow actions in external systems
Agenda Overview Components of an Event Components of OpenSocial Gadgets Deployment / Configuration APIs
OpenSocial Gadget Application built using XML, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML Allows developers to easily write useful web applications that work anywhere on the web without modification XML file allows the container to load the application content and information title, author, description, thumbnail, height, width, OAuth config, etc. provide key/value storage of data using JavaScript defines content loaded for different views <![CDATA[ Gadget Content ]]>
OpenSocial Gadget sample Alternatively, you can reference content on an external server... HTML markup embedded in “Content” section of XML
Agenda Overview Components of an Event Components of OpenSocial Gadgets Deployment / Configuration APIs
OpenSocial Gadget deployment 1) Declare Home Page administrator(s) 1) Home Page administrators can: add/remove gadgets enable/disable gadgets
Add/Remove gadgets OpenSocial gadgets must be registered, or added to the existing “whitelist” Prevents unknown and untrusted gadgets from being introduced into the system Use the Home Page administration UI to add/remove gadgets
Enable/Disable gadgets
Agenda Overview Components of an Event Components of OpenSocial Gadgets Deployment / Configuration APIs
SBT SDK – Post an event Build the JSON object
SBT SDK – Post an event (cont) Post the event using the ActivityStream service
SBT SDK – Retrieve Activity Stream entries Retrieve the list of entries using the ActivityStream service
Delete Activity Stream entries Deletion available only for select users User must be mapped to the Admin role in the WidgetContainer application Issue an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL and include event Ids Delete a single event Delete multiple events
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