Extension: How valid do you think the studies you included are and why? Discuss with somebody else the AO2/3 research evidence point that you wrote for homework. Amend your point if needed.
Psychological explanations of gender development 1) Cognitive developmental theory, including Kohlberg. Pages
Learning objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able: To effectively evaluate Kohlberg’s theory using a variety of points. To apply understanding of Kohlberg.
Evaluation Discuss how the following points could be used as AO2/3 for Kohlberg’s theory. Extension: Can you think of any other relevant AO2/3 points? Gender bias Practical applications Opposing theory/approach Cultural bias
1)One issue with Kohlberg’s theory is it could be argued it is culturally biased. 2)This is because…what elements of the theory may be seen as alpha bias? 3) The implications of this are … 4) This questions Kohlberg’s explanation of gender development because… 5) HOWEVER there is evidence to support that Kohlberg’s theory is culturally relative.
Cultural bias 6) Munroe et al (1984) found that the sequence of development of the gender concept is similar in other cultures (Kenya, Nepal, Blize and Samoa). It has been found that biological development is similar cross culturally (especially brain maturity). 7) This contradicts the idea of cultural bias because… 8) In conclusion…does Kohlberg’s theory seem to be culturally bias and why?
Practical applications 1)A positive is that Kohlberg’s theory can lead to practical applications to try and reduce gender stereotypes in society. 2)For example…. 3)The implications of this are … 4)This supports Kohlberg as an explanation of gender development because… 5)HOWEVER these techniques may not always be effective.. 6)For example….What approach would argue against this? 7)This questions the practical applications because… 8)In conclusion…how effective do these practical applications seem?
Gender bias 1)An issue is that Kohlberg’s theory could be seen as gender biased. 2)For example Bussey and Bandura (1984) assessed both gender constancy and how this influences imitation of a role model. They found in exp. 1 that same sex modelling occurs irrespective of children’s level of gender constancy. In exp. 2 they found that boys would imitate a female if she was seen as powerful, but the effect on females imitating powerful men was not as strong. However with the ‘non powerful’ models, females tended to imitate male models more than the boys imitated the female ones. 3) The implications of this are …
Gender bias 4) This questions the universality of Kohlberg’s theory as an explanation of gender because… 5) HOWEVER this is just one piece of research and we have to take on board the abundance of research that has not highlighted gender differences 6) For example….include Ruble’s (1981) study on page 217 7) This questions how gender biased Kohlberg’s explanation is because… 8) In conclusion…how much gender bias does Kohlberg’s explanation seem to have? Explain.
Conflicting explanation : 1)One weakness is that there are conflicting explanations as to how gender develops. 2)For example…when we cover biological explanations you can come back and complete this point. 3)The implications of this are …. 4)This questions the idea of gender constancy because…. 5)HOWEVER Kohlberg may be a more valid explanation than biological. 6)Because…. 7)This therefore provides support for Kohlberg’s explanation because.. 8)In conclusion…which explanation seems more valid? Put this structure in your notes to complete later.
Apply your understanding On your own create a ‘cloze’ activity in order to test a peer’s understanding of Kohlberg’s theory (AO1 and AO2/3). Extension: Plan the past question Discuss Kohlberg’s theory of gender development (8+16) Jan 2011
Learning objectives : You are now able: To be able to effectively evaluate Kohlberg’s theory using a variety of points. To apply understanding of Kohlberg’s theory.
Homework Due next lesson: Use pages to make AO1 notes on Gender Schema Theory. Include the following: Definition and examples of gender appropriate schemas. How gender schemas develop Summary of findings and conclusion of Campbell et al (2000, 2004). Preparation for next lesson: Think about what AID your AO2 points would apply to this theory.