-Christa Moore -University of Montana -Psychology RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY IN COUNSELING
Religion is the formal institutional structures that surround the search for the sacred or a higher power. Spirituality is more focused on personal meaning and transcendence (Worthington & Sandage, 2001). For some they are mutually exclusive, but for many they are intertwined. DEFINING RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY
Psychological databases were devoid of publications regarding religion and spirituality until In 1970 there was a large increase in the literature available about the topic (Powers, 2005). Religious and spiritual issues were passed off to clergy or those in pastoral roles. Increasing cultural diversity in the U.S. creates the need for more sensitivity and empathy towards different faiths. Shift from body-mind dualism HISTORY
What role do religion and spirituality (R &S) play in counseling, in both the greater therapeutic community and in Missoula specifically? My interest in the topic lies in my faith background and my desire to go into counseling. RESEARCH QUESTION
Approximately 32% of Missoulians claimed affiliation with a religious congregation in 2002 (not including those who consider themselves spiritual or religious outside of a congregation)(Jones et. al, 2002). A therapeutic relationship should be safe and empathetic towards different worldviews. Wouldn’t the world look a bit different if all relationships were? RELEVANCE
Literature review for context and background Interviewed local therapists from different backgrounds with varying techniques and practices Questions pertaining to their personal beliefs and how they influence their practice Qualitative and personal analysis of the ethnographic data retrieved METHODS
Faith Development Theory (Parker, 2011). Ethical challenges when integrating religion and spirituality Competence, bias, psychological standards, billing issues (Gonsiorek et. al, 2009). Beliefs held that are harmful for client (i.e. s uicide justification, rejection of medical treatment) (Rosenfeld, 2010). DISCOVERIES IN LITERATURE
Things in common amongst counselors… Clients’ needs first Importance of a trusting therapeutic relationship Understanding the value religion and spirituality may (or may not) have for clients Sensitivity towards clients’ direction Recognition of the positive role religion and spirituality can play when dealing with grief, death anxiety, meaning making or other existential issues Beliefs harmful to the clients’ well-being should be addressed and progress towards a healthier mindset should be attempted DISCOVERIES FROM INTERVIEWS
Things that varied amongst counselors… Personal beliefs Openness to clients about their beliefs Directive or non-directive styles Counselors involved in religious communities had faced ethical dilemmas with dual relationships. INTERVIEWS CONTINUED
I have obtained a better understanding of the different ways to approach religion and spirituality in a therapeutic setting. Bridging the gap between the medical, philosophical and spiritual aspects of being human Creating a more understanding and empathetic attitude towards all worldviews RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS
Gonsiorek, J. C., Richards, P. S., Pargament, K. I., & McMinn, M. R. (2009). Ethical challenges and opportunities at the edge: Incorporating spirituality and religion into psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), Jones, Dale E., et al Congregations and Membership in the United States Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Parker, Stephen, Spirituality in Counseling: A Faith Development Perspective. Journal of Counseling and Development, 89(1), Powers, R. (2005). Counseling and Spirituality: A Historical Review. Counseling & Values, 49(3), Rosenfeld, G. W. (2010). Identifying and integrating helpful and harmful religious beliefs into psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(4), Worthington, E. L., Jr., & Sandage, S. J. (2001). Religion and spirituality. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training,38(4), REFERENCES