Cross-Cultural Psychology OVERVIEW Prof. Djamaluddin Ancok, Ph.D. Yopina Galih Pertiwi, M.A.
Course Objectives Examine the role of culture in the development and validation of psychological theories at the conceptual level. Increase awareness and understanding of the critical issues in the application of psychological theories developed in the United States and Western Europe to other cultural groups, including ethnic minority subgroups. Examine the cultural appropriateness of various research methods and procedures.Examine the role of culture in personality and social development. Review cultural issues in specific content areas including inter-group relations and communication, leadership and organizational behavior, and clinical assessment and treatment.
Required Text Matsumoto, David & Juang, Linda. (2008). Culture and Psychology (Fourth Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2008.
Course Grading Mid-term Exam 30% Final Exam 30 % Class participation, presentation & discussion 20% Final paper 20%
Final Paper (Individual) Write any topic related to cross-cultural psychology. For examples: child rearing practice in Indonesia or other countries, cognitive development, creativity, mental- illness. The length of paper between 5-10 pages. Contents of the paper: the issues or phenomena to be discuss, and theoretical bases of the issues. Give your critical point of view! The paper should be submitted on the day of final exam of cross-cultural psychology course. Those who are late in submitting their paper will be downgraded. From A to B, From B to C etc.
Class Presentation Make groups of 6 students each (11 groups) Presentation will be started from the fourth session (10 October 2011) Each group should present one chapter of Culture and Psychology book, i.e. Group 1: chapter 4, group 2: chapter 5, group 3: chapter 6, and so on. Use extra materials Use atractive methods and media for presentation Other groups who do not present on that particular day will be responsible for evaluation of the presentation. Group who presents will do member evaluation.
Cross-Cultural Psychology An Introduction
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What is the offer??? Cross-Cultural Psychology
Turning the challenge of “cultural diversity” into opportunities
WHY??? Most theories in psychology based on studies with American university students Are these theories true for all people, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, class or lifestyle? Cross-cultural psychology answers this question by testing people of differing cultural backgrounds
Cross-Cultural Research “is what we know as truth or principle about human behavior true for all people, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, class, & lifestyle?” Basic Question:
Cross- Cultural Approach More than one cultural background Similarities & differences tests possible limitations of our traditional knowledge. universal or culture- specific. Not topic specific
Brief History Wundt’s Volkerpsychologie (Folk Psychology) Early cross- cultural studies focused on perception, language, and cognition The modern era of cross-cultural psychology began after the end of World War II Prestigious psychology journals are largely monopolised by North Americans challenged by the emergence of psychology both from and about Asian cultures
Psychology & Culture Cross-Cultural Psychology operationalises culture as an antecedent variable that lies outside of and apart from the individual universalist Cultural Psychology culture as inside the individual, as a way of knowing and construing the world and other people contextualist Indigenous Psychology culture as subjectively created systems of meaning but goes one step further by taking informal folk theories of psychological functioning formalising them into psychological theories integrationist
Next Meeting Read chapter 2 Visit Hofstede’s website: Write comparison of two countries according to the Hosftede’s data in maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, bring and submit next week.
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