The 1920s in Canada
1. The 1920s were known as the: a) Boom Time b) Dirty 20’s c) Roaring 20’s d) Cold War
2. What was the style of women’s dress that predominated in the 20’s? a) Chanel Chic b) Clapper c) Flapper d) Zoot suit
3. Why were farmers frustrated by the National Policy? a) It privatized railways. b) It made foreign goods more expensive. c) It made shipping their goods across Canada Expensive. d) They actually really liked it.
4. What did Governor General Byng do that made Prime Minister King furious? a) Refused to give royal assent. b) Ignored a request to dissolve prliament. c) Supported the opposition party. d) Dismissed a Conservative senator.
5. Which group made and appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Britain advocating for women’s rights? a) The Fabulous Five b) The Five Women c) The Persons League d) The Famous Five ?
6. This document recommended that the countries be recognized as autonomous communities within the British Empire a) The Versailles Treaty b) The Dominion Act c) The Commonwealth Report d) The Balfour Report
7. What is happening in this picture? A. An attempt at assimilation B. A New Education system trial C. Internment Camp inmates working D.Collecting Pogey
The 1930s in Canada The Great Depression
8. The 1930s were known as the: a) Roaring 30’s b) Baby Boomers c) Dirty 30’s d) Cold War
9. What did “the depression” refer to in the 1930s A) Everyone was sad from losses in WWI B) A time of high unemployment and economic hardship C) A short downturn in the stock market D) A low lying area of land in the prairies plagued by grasshoppers
10. Where were these people trekking to? A) Vancouver B) Toronto C) Ottawa D) Calgary
11. Why were these people trekking to Ottawa? A) For excitement and adventure B) To protest for aboriginal rights C) To protest conditions in work camps D) In search of work in the capital city
12. All of the following were causes for the depression except: A) Protectionism B) Overproduction C) High wheat prices on world market D) Germany’s inability to repay war debt
13. The picture best illustrates: A) A soup kitchen B) Relief Camps C) “Riding the Rods” D) “jungles”
14. What does ‘buying on margin’ mean? A) Pay a bit now and the rest later B) Buying products without having to pay tariffs C) A guaranteed equal rate of return D) Getting the best price for a stock
15. What is this guy doing? A) Surviving the jungles B) Running on pogey C) Riding the rods D) Trekking
16. Which 1930’s PM pledged to “use tariffs to blast a way into world markets” and out of the Depression? A) Mackenzie King B) Borden C) Bennett D) Duplessis
17. How much did people get paid per day at work camps? A) One dollar B) Five dollars C) Fifty cents D) Twenty cents
18. What does the picture best demonstrate? A) Politics of protest B) The rise of Fascism C) The On-to-Ottawa Trek D) Distractions from despair
19. Who was ‘Bible Bill’ Aberhart? A) The leader of the On- to-Ottawa-Trek B) The leader of the Winnipeg General Strike C) The leader of the CCF D) The leader of the Social Credit Party
20. Who formed the Union Nationale Party in 1936? A. Woodsworth B. Bennett C. Duplessis D. Dufferin
21. What did the Rowell-Sirious Commission recommend? A) Work Camps be set up for unemployed B) Limited Jewish immigration C) Government relief to the bankrupt D) Federal government control of taxation
22. What was Grey Owl famous for? A) communication with animals B) Aboriginal contribution to WWI C) Conservationist D) Artist
23. What political ideology was rising in Europe for the first time in response to the depression? A) Socialism B) Fascism C) Communism D) Liberalism
24. Who was the ‘Totalitarian’ leader of Russia? A) Stalin B) Hitler C) Mussolini D) Franco
25. Who was the fascist leader of Italy? A) Stalin B) Hitler C) Mussolini D) Franco
26. Who was this man, der Fuhrer? A) Stalin B) Hitler C) Mussolini D) Franco
27. Which group of people did the Nazi party not discriminate against? A) Jewish B) Black C) Gypsies D) Aryans
28. What is the policy of appeasement? A) Countries protecting each other during war B) An agreement to cease fighting C) Giving in to demands to avoid war D) Collective security
29. Who did Hitler make a non- aggression pact with? A) Russia B) Poland C) Italy D) France
30. Which Prime Minister visited Germany in 1937 and was impressed by Hitler but naïve about his intentions? A) Bennett B) Borden C) MacDonald D) King
31. What was the name of the boat that had 900 Jewish refugees turned away from Canada? A) Komagata Maru B) Rainbow C) St Louis D) Imo
The End.