Leaping Ahead: 4-H Public Speaking Life Skills Evaluation Report by Ben Silliman, Youth Development Specialist.


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Presentation transcript:

Leaping Ahead: 4-H Public Speaking Life Skills Evaluation Report by Ben Silliman, Youth Development Specialist

Event Description Annual public speaking event Age-grouped: 9-10; 11-13; years 35+ categories from animal science to technology + “4-H Entertains” 5-12 min. demonstration or illustrated talk

Event Description Rubric judged for Content: difficulty, accuracy, creativity Delivery: voice tone, voice, manner, style, clarity of visuals, response to questions

Instruments & Procedures NW District pilot evaluation, June 2007 One-page survey on motivation, benefits, climate (98 participants) 15-min. interview on use of skills in other settings (37 randomly-selected youth) Scoring rubric by judges

Population Description Average age = 12 Half years One quarter each 9-10, year-olds 63 female; 35 male participants

Population Description 63 female; 35 male participants over 90% of participants were white almost half presenting for the first time; nearly one-third (N = 28) involved 3+ years “4-H Entertains” participants older, more experienced with public speaking

Influences on Participation Percentage responding… Personal interest81 Urging of others50 Incentives42 Enjoyment34 Competing with friends 26 (54% cited both internal and external influences)

How the Contest Helps Percentage answering “A lot” (>’Some’) Mean Self-confidence57 (78)4.33 | Learning about my topic49 (76)4.14 | Communicating ideas to others37 (73)4.09 | Organizing ideas34 (68)4.02 | Setting and reaching goals39 (72)3.98 Working with others32 (59)3.69 Doing research25 (46)3.54 Alpha Reliability =.77 NS Differences marked with vertical lines

Group Comparisons Youth Outcomes X Age X Gender X Years of Experience X Type of Presentation (speak vs. entertain) -Communication skills -Doing research X Quality of Presentation (judges’ ratings; alpha =.91) -Subject Matter

Relationships between Outcomes Helpfulness dimensions… Subject matter learning - Research skills (r =.52; p <.001) Research skills - Organization (r =.42; p.001) Communication - Goal-setting (r =.42; p <.001) Confidence - Working with others (r =.43; p <.001) Goal-setting - Confidence (r =.40; p <.001) Organization - Communication (r =.40; p <.001) Years of participation correlated only with improved research skills (r =.23; p <.05)

Help Received Percent responding…NotAboutMore Enough Right Needed …understand my topic …prepare my speech …practice my speech Alpha Reliability =.72 Correlations among items r =.40 to r =.57

Interviews: Applied Skills 80% applied speaking knowledge and skills to other settings, including… –subject matter –goal-setting –organization –communication –working with others

Interviews: Applied Skills 90% felt more self-confident in other settings 78% exercised research and study skills

Interviews: Applied Skills 80% indicated public speaking improved school performance Self-determined projects (84%) Volunteer skills (81%) Ability to relate to others (94%)

Interviews: Applied Skills Presentation Contest improved… Research and Study Skills (78%) School Performance –Self-determined projects (84%) –Volunteer Skills (81%) –Ability to Relate to Others (94%)

Interviews: Quotes Applied in other Subject Areas: “I want to learn more in-depth about cats… …fly fishing…nutrition… “I will major in music…pursue a career in nursing…”

Event Climate Ratings Percent who responded… Very TrueMean Rules clearly explained Judges were fair Room arranged well Audience friendly Alpha reliability =.53

Interviews: Quotes Life Skills Applications outside school: “I am able to teach workshops… …give speeches… do music…teach dance classes…”

Interviews: Quotes Communication: “I can work with livestock and pets as well as people…” “I can express myself and work in groups…”

Interviews: Quotes Areas for growth: “I don’t follow through yet… “I am a little nervous [during speeches]…”

Interviews: Quotes Self-confidence: “[It ] helped in school presentations, Irish dance, and instruments…helped to know what I can do… “I used to be shy but now am more confident…I am more confident in riding, soccer, and speaking to others.”

Limitations Sample largely white, middle class (more in-depth, longitudinal designs; unbiased observers) Possible social desirability bias

Conclusions From the perspective of youth participants, public speaking experience helps build… Self-confidence Subject matter knowledge Research skills Goal setting and organizational skills Communication skills …from the first year of participation…

Next Steps Report—ask how speaking builds life skills, where speaking fits in 4-H career Refine—ask questions more precisely Replicate—ask a broader range of youth Investigate—ask deeper questions about depth and duration of impact Research—ask control groups