P UBLIC S PEAKING W ORKSHOP December 2006 RCN Debating Society
P RELUDE What is it? Although many kinds(extempore, prepared, factual, in the form of a presentation etc.), generally, it is speaking in front of an audience for a purpose Why Speak? “Glossophobia”-(or stage fright), the single most common phobia- even above death- affecting as much as 75% of all people. Speak, speak, speak…
A G OOD S PEECH A great speech has seven qualities: It's emotionally engaging -- it triggers something inside you that gets your heart pumping It's intellectually stimulating -- it introduces you to new information, or new ideas, or new ways of thinking about things It's clever -- it uses smart, creative language, analogies, contrast and opposition of ideas, humour (or satire), compelling examples It's memorable -- by using stories, repetition and other techniques that help people retain what they've heard It's concise -- no wasted words, no unnecessary tangents It's actionable -- people leave knowing what they need, and want, to do It starts and ends powerfully
B EFORE THE SPEECH P 2 -Prepare and Practice KNOW: Who you will be addressing-your audience What you will be talking about What you want to convey What effect you want to achieve What medium you will be using Rational reasoning and argument Rhetoric Visualize yourself speaking; See yourself from the listeners’ eyes Know the room in which you will speak
W HILE YOU SPEAK, Be aware of yourself and your surroundings-DON’T be a reading machine Body language Speak with conviction Using notes effectively: an art Acknowledge your audience- Keep eye-contact Enunciate and articulate-Speak clearly;get your message across Pause. The importance of being Humorous Be confident! Nervousness: A usually-untapped energy source Be concise! Do not ramble on.