Perfect Search Media 2013
Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process and strategy of influencing the correlation between a website and a group of targeted keywords according to search engine algorithms
Search is about giving people the answer they’re looking for—whether it’s a news article, sports score, stock quote, a video or a map. Google’s search engineers design algorithms that analyze millions of pages and return timely, high-quality, relevant answers to people’s questions.
Google’s Algorithm relies on more than 200 unique signals, some of which you’d expect, like how often the search terms occur on the webpage, if they appear in the title or whether synonyms of the search terms occur on the page. Google has invented many innovations in search to improve the answers you find.
A user’s experience with your site begins with its listing in the search results. While Google’s search is algorithmic and automated, you can have a lot of influence over how your site is listed.
The challenge in search is to return only the most relevant results at the top of the page, sparing people from combing through the less relevant results below. Not every website can come out at the top of the page, or even appear on the first page of Google’s search results.