Open Ended Responses Two Column Notes. What are Open Ended Responses (OER)? 3 Questions to answer based on reading 2 stories: –Fiction Question –Non-Fiction.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Ended Responses Two Column Notes

What are Open Ended Responses (OER)? 3 Questions to answer based on reading 2 stories: –Fiction Question –Non-Fiction Question –Crossover (Both Stories) Question Space –5 lines for the single story questions –8 lines for the crossover question

RACE to the top! R: RESTATE –The question in your own words. A: ANSWER –Answer the question directly. –Answer the question in the first sentence C: CITE EVIDENCE –Cite evidence to support your answer –Use only quotes that tie directly to the answer E: EXTEND YOUR THINKING –Explain how the evidence proves your answer

Text Support/Evidence- Answer must have: DIRECT QUOTE is BEST –Preferred way to cite evidence –Must be a Full sentence Summary/Paraphrase –Weaker

How is an OER SCORED? 0 = insufficient 1 = partially sufficient 2 = sufficient 3 = exemplary 0 & 1 = not passing 2 & 3 = passing

Score 0 INSUFFICIENT –Too general or vague –Incorrect based on the story. –Just a plot summary. –Leaving it blank. –Writing in a foreign language

Score 1 PARTIALLY SUFFICIENT Answer provided BUT you are missing one of remaining parts: –Have evidence but no explanation –Have explanation but no evidence OR All three parts exist BUT… –Unclear connection between evidence and the explanation

Score 2 SUFFICIENT All four parts (RACE) found WITH… –Relevant evidence –Explanation of evidence is clear and specific

Score 3 EXEMPLARY all the characteristics of a 2 WITH… –Particularly thoughtful or insightful analysis and/or evidence –Explanation of evidence shows depth of understanding ORIGINAL WELL-THOUGHT OUT WELL-WRITTEN

REVIEW RACE: –Restate the question in your own words. –Answer the question. –Cite relevant evidence. –Explain how the evidence proves your answer. SCORING: –0 = insufficient –1 = partially sufficient –2 = sufficient –3 = exemplary

A GOOD THING!!! The graders CANNOT grade you on grammar and sentence structure, BUT… These things can effect how well they can read your answer.

Applying the OER to REAL LIFE The Egg Analogy

Imagine the Scoring as an… Shell Yolk White

Comparing OER Scoring to an Egg 0- Insufficient –These answers have no parts of the egg, or parts included are wrong, unclear, or not specific. The reader says, “No Way!”

Comparing OER Scoring to an Egg 1- Partially Sufficient –These answers may have only one or two parts of the egg. All of the parts are not included and/or parts are unclear, incomplete. The reader says, “Huh?”

Comparing OER Scoring to an Egg 2- Sufficient –All three parts of the egg are evident and all parts are reasonable. The reader says, “Okay.”

Comparing OER Scoring to an Egg 3- Exemplary –All three parts of the egg are evident, thoughtful, insightful, and offer strong support. These answers may offer a unique perspective. The reader says, “Wow!”