SLP 3 writing - format Formal letter, memo approximately 150 words Recommended time: 30 minutes Composition approximately 250 words Recommended time: 50 minutes Total time: 80 minutes
4 What will be assessed? Content and style: formal/ informal style, voice. Is everything included? Organization: paragraphs, introduction, conclusion… Grammar Vocabulary: precise vocabulary, varied linking words. Avoid repetition, redundancy, and pet phrases/ words, Czenglish Mechanics: capitalization, punctuation, contractions, pronouns, abbreviations…
MEMO Seal (pečeť), letterhead stationery (tiskopis s hlavičkou) Date Attention to whom? Type MEMORANDUM FOR in capital letters, include duty position SUBJECT: Indicate the subject matter briefly. Paragraph one: reference (What caused this memo? Meeting, conference, conversation…) Paragraph two: background and discussion (when necessary for clarity) Paragraph three: conclusions reached and decisions made Don’t forget to number each paragraph (and letter each subparagraph) Paragraph four: staff agencies responsible for specific action (if applicable) PRINT your name, state your rank/ position and sign it
MEMO – sligtly different heading Your subtopic goes here State your name and position If there are attachments, list them bellow. Passive voice is not generally recommended Carbon copy Be brief. Sentences usually consist of less than 20 words, paragraphs about 4 – 5 sentences.
MEMOS Your task: You attended an international medical seminar in Prague. Unfortunately, you had some difficulties with registration. Write a memo to the travel clerk. Briefly comment on the conference (you liked it), describe the problems with registration and suggest a solution. Send a copy to HQ logistics. Time: 30 minutes
MEMO DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIRFORCE MEMORANDUM FOR TRAVEL CLERK 28 November 09 SUBJECT: Medical Seminar Prague November I recently attended this seminar and I was delighted with the high standard of the presentations as well as the range of new medical equipment available for purchase. 2. I do have some concerns about the arrangements for registration and accommodation. Before I travelled to the Conference I had not received any information about my registration or accommodation. There was no reply address and I was unable to contact you on your cell phone. The hotel had no record of my booking and your staff were unable to locate my registration details until the second day of the Seminar. 3. For the future, I recommend that you acknowledge registration and accommodation details by return well beforehand and provide a reliable mobile phone contact. J.B. SMITH Medical Administration Cc: HQ Logistics
Memos – on-line examples or_predetermination_memo.shtml e.htmlhttp:// e.html -yellow links