Superhero Thesis Statements Write thesis statements strong enough to save your essays!
What is a Thesis? Simplest answer: “A statement that someone wants to discuss or prove.” (Merriam-Webster) A thesis is a one sentence statement about the topic + your interpretation. It should be the last sentence of your introduction. All the body paragraphs must relate to and support your thesis statement, no matter how many there are!
How do I form a Thesis Statement? First, brainstorm your topic, such as with a bubble map. You will need to know what your main ideas are! Next, decide what your approach or interpretation of the topic will be. A thesis does not simply announce your topic; instead it must be something that can (and will be) proved by the rest of your essay!
What should my Thesis be about? Topic + Why it is significant Topic + Connection to a theme Topic + How or why it happens Topic + Specific comparisons Topic + Best strategy or solution Topic + Evaluation of effectiveness Topic + Consequences Topic + Why the reader should care Topic + Definition or concept Topic + Causes and/or effects Topic + Relationship with other knowledge Topic + What the value or worth of it is
I want a Strong Thesis! What should I do? Many clear, engaging thesis statements use words like: Avoid a “checklist” thesis that simply identifies each main idea of the body paragraphs! Because Since Weak Thesis: “Summer is the best season because of X, Y, and Z.” So Although Unless However It’s better to summarize them into one main statement! Strong: “Although all seasons have their advantages, the summer months are the most enjoyable.”
Do I need to rescue a weak thesis? Is it specific and meaningful? Avoid words like “positive” and “negative” – they’re too vague.) Can it be argued, or does it just announce a topic? (Could someone reasonably disagree with my interpretation?) Is an insight worth discussing, or does everyone already know this? (i.e.: “Drugs are bad.”) Does it express one main point? Will I have enough support? Will every paragraph relate?
I Need Help! Problem: I’m overwhelmed; there’s too much to write about! Solution: Narrow the thesis down to a more specific topic. Problem: I don’t have enough/the right kind of support for my thesis. Solution: Adjust the thesis, or revise the essay. Problem: Someone just told me my thesis is confusing/covers more than one main topic. Solution: Reword the thesis in a different way to show the relationship between your ideas.
Batman Asks: Weak or Strong? Teenagers are not getting enough sleep. Weak! No reasonable person could disagree. Also, it merely announces a topic, rather than arguing a point. What would be a stronger thesis? Although many people believe that dogs are a “man’s best friend,” it is better to own a cat. Strong! It’s specific, and I know exactly what the essay will be about– how cats are better to own than dogs! In The Outsiders, Pony goes through many changes. Weak! As the protagonist, it is assumed that Pony would change. Also, it sounds like it’s just repeating a teacher’s question (“Write to explain how Pony changes”) rather than actually answering it. What would be a stronger thesis?
Practice writing STRONG Thesis statements! Take out a half sheet of paper. Write your name, date, & block and title it Thesis Practice Write a strong thesis statement for each topic! Remember you can include words like because, since, so, although, unless and however School uniforms Parents and trust Testing products on animals Changing schools Teenagers and nutrition Standardized tests
Even superheroes need a hand Definition of “thesis” from Merriam-Webster “Thesis Statements” The Writing Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “Developing Strong Thesis Statements” Purdue OWL: Online Writing Lab “How to Write a Thesis Statement” Indiana University Writing Tutorial Services “Practice: Creating Thesis Statements” Pulse Word Document Web Download “Writing A Strong Thesis Statement” California State University