TACRAO Fall Conference Jane Caldwell, Director of Grants and Special Programs Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Financial Aid: 876,131 students (almost 61% of all students enrolled) received aid Total aid received = $9.08 Billion 52% in the form of loans 47% in the form of grant aid 1% in the form of work-study Sources of aid Federal = 74.9% Institutional = 10.6% Other = 7.6% State = 6.9% 2
Major Aid Programs StateFederal TEXAS Grant Tuition Equalization Gr. Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Top 10% Scholarship TX College Work-study College Access Loans B-On-Time Loans Pell Grants Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants Federal Work-Study Perkins Loans Subsidized Direct Loans Unsubsidized Direct Loans PLUS Loans 3
State Aid Funding for Unknown at this time. Every program, in each Legislative Session, begins with $0. During the Session, appropriation amounts are negotiated. Final figures are adopted through the passing of an Appropriations Act, usually signed into law in June. 4
New for Spring 2013 Required for GATIs (public universities, Lamar-Orange and Lamar-Port Arthur only): March 15 priority deadline for applying for state financial assistance. Persons applying after that time may receive aid, but those meeting the deadline will be considered first TEXAS Grant priority model for identifying initial award recipients for fall
GATI’s – How Will You…? … know whether a student meets TX Grant priority model requirements? (Must meet 2 of the 4 area requirements.) 6 AreaRequirement(s) Advanced Academic Program 12 hours of college credit (dual credit or AP courses), complete the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP), or complete the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). TSI ReadinessMeet the Texas Success Initiatives (TSI) assessment thresholds or qualify for an exemption. Class StandingGraduate in the top one/third of the HS graduating class or have a B average. Advanced MathComplete at least one math course beyond Algebra II.
GATI’s – TX Grant Priority Model How will you… Capture the information listed above? Share it with your financial aid office? Implementation begins with awards made in spring 2013 to persons who graduated high school in May 2013 or later and are attending universities, Lamar- Orange or Lamar-Port Arthur. 7
Teach the Teacher - Distance Ed How do you determine residency for distance education students? How do you know if they move out of state? How does the “continuous enrollment” aspect of residency impact distance education students who move out of state? 8
Nonres. Tuition, GATIs & HRIs* FY2013 NR statutory tuition = $401/hour If your institution could set its own rate, would it set a higher or lower rate? If you could set your own NR tuition rate, would you need waiver programs or would you want the right to set a variable tuition rate so you could recruit certain populations? *GATIs = general academic teaching institutions (universities, Lamar-Orange and Lamar-Port Arthur); HRIs = health-related institutions 9
Affidavit Student Reminders Students classified as residents through the 36-month approach and who are not US Citizens or Permanent Residents (PR) must submit signed affidavits to their schools, pledging to apply for PR status as soon as they are eligible to do so. January 2012 CB rules added the following requirements for institutions: Institutions must retain the signed affidavits as a part of their permanent files Institutions must remind students of their obligation when they enroll, annually while they are enrolled, and prior to their graduation These provisions are now in effect. 10
Exemptions & Waivers 11 Mandatory: $380 million FY students served $498 million Approx. $498 million in foregone tuition and fees (FY 11 dollars). Optional: $118 million
Exemption & Waiver Recipients 12
Exemption & Waiver Costs Exemption & Waiver Costs ( in Millions, Constant 2007 Dollars) 13 THECB 02/2010
Hazlewood Report First due date is November 15 th, First report should reflect hours used for Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, and Fall 2012; Will allow accurate tracking and monitoring of Hazlewood hours used by veterans, spouses, and children, including Legacy students;* Can now report Hazlewood students directly to the database in “real time”; Retroactive awards and revisions can now easily be reported. * List of report fields in handouts. 14
Hazlewood Eligibility, 1 A Texas veteran is living in Germany because his/her spouse is assigned to duty there. Can he/she use Hazlewood to take courses from your school? Yes. Being “on duty” is an exception to the ‘reside in Texas” requirement. Must a veteran apply for Chapter 33 benefits in order to access Hazlewood benefits? Still pending. In the meantime, institutions should do what they feel is appropriate, as per Feb. 1, 2012 memo. Full lesson on Hazlewood: look under “Training, Webinars and Workshops, Public Institutions Workshop, 9/26/
Hazlewood Eligibility, 2 For a child or spouse to receive Hazlewood benefits, must the parent/spouse have served at least 181 days of active duty, excluding training? No, if the benefit is based on the member’s death/disability from service. A veteran was married to Jane when he/she was severely injured and is now married to Connie. Who receives the spouse benefits? Connie – the current wife. A Legacy child is in a bad accident and misses a full year of college. Is he/she able to use Legacy Hours after he/she turns 26? Yes – based on hardship. 16
Staff Proposals – Hazlewood Confirm in statute that: veterans who are out of state due to military orders are eligible to use Hazlewood veterans can revoke assigned Legacy hours Clarify eligibility requirements for disabled and fallen veterans veterans’ choices about stacking federal and state benefits Align state and federal language relating to disabled and unemployable veterans Apply age-26 limit for children only to Legacy children Recommend the state appropriate funds for institutions, to offset some of the costs of Hazlewood 17
Staff Proposals – Ex. & Wvrs. Add common definitions Add inst. financial aid SAP requirements to exemption and waiver programs Prevent the use of exemptions and waivers to avoid penalties for excess hours or excess dropped courses Require recipients to complete a FAFSA prior to the end of the first semester in a program in order to qualify for a subsequent award Require institutions to identify a contact point on campus for guidance about exemption and waiver programs 18
For your hard work, cooperation and devotion to your students.