WP 5 Dissemination, Exploitation & Evaluation M 6 Jiří Kvaček National Museum, Prague
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Deliverables and Milestones Deliverables D5.5 BHL-Europe dissemination plan D5.6 BHL-Europe promotion kit Milestone M5.1 Agreed dissemination plan
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination plan 1 Communication Working Group (CWG) 2 Dissemination plan 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Purpose of the dissemination plan 2.3 Objectives 2.4 Dissemination audiences of BHL-Europe 2.5 Dissemination and evaluation activities and relevant responsibilities 2.6 Main dissemination activities 2.7 Planning and reporting framework for dissemination 3 Dissemination: objectives, activities and target audiences 3.1 Conferences and presentations 3.2 Workshops 3.3 Publications (promotion kits, posters etc.) 3.4 Web sites 3.5 Newsletter 3.6 Mailing list and direct mail campaigns 3.7 Press release and articles
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination plan 1. Communications Working Group (CWG) Jiří Kvaček (NMP) Henning Scholz (MfN) Lizzy Komen (EUROPEANA) Nancy Chillingworth (NHM) Tine Mallaerts (RBINS) Antonio G. Valdecasas (CSIC) Observer: Thomas Garnett (BHL) 2. 1 Introduction
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.2 Purpose of this Dissemination Plan Describing: Objectives of the dissemination Targeted audiences The dissemination activities which will be carried out according to the Description of Work How to reach the audience What sort of information should be published Whose responsibility is to provide fresh content To identify agreed procedures for the maintenance and updating of the project Web site To cooperate and schedule work with other work pacakages To modify co-operation with eContentplus projects, i.e. the Europeana Group of Projects Timings The overall planning and reporting framework for dissemination to be used by all BHL-Europe project partners.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.3 Dissemination audiences of BHL-Europe Two main user groups have been identified as beneficiaries of the project: The first group of users - content users will be interested in the content itself: Natural scientists - interested in taxonomic information and the distribution of species through space and time. Social scientists and historians - interested in the history of science, and background information about famous and significant scientists of the past. Artists - inspiration in the artistic representations of plants and animals. The second group is divided into technology users and content providers: Technology users (libraries, digitisation centres, and digital library networks) - interested in the technological outputs from the project, the best practice approach, the quantity and quality of content, but also in unsolved challenges of the project. Content providers (libraries, museums and any entity even person willing to contribute) - will be involved in a later stage of the project.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.4 Dissemination audiences of BHL-Europe Group European citizens 1.2 Scientists (e.g. Biology) 1.3 Scientists (e.g. History, Cultural heritage) 1.4 Citizen scientists / Hobby scientists 1.5 Students of different levels (primary to academic) 1.6 School teachers 1.7 Environmental and Conservation agencies / Government officials / Policy makers, Technology developers 1.8 Artists Group Libraries 2.2 Digitisation centres 2.3 Digital library / Open Access networks 2.4 Universities and museums 2.5 Commercial content users, publishing houses, tour operators, e-learning companies
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.5. Dissemination and evaluation activities and relevant responsibilities The BHL-Europe dissemination and awareness activities described below are carried out by the National Museum, Prague (NMP), Work Package 5 leader, in collaboration with RBINS and other partners. Responsible persons within the two institutions are: NMP: Jiří Kvaček ( RBINS: Tine Mallaerts (
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Web site, including multimedia presentation The BHL-Europe project Web site ( aims to provide information on the project’s progress and results and to offer access to all documentation and deliverables produced in the course of the project to project partners. The BHL-Europe Web site addresses the audiences described earlier, namely: Project partners in BHL-Europe Broad public with interest in biodiversity Scientific institutions (especially in Europe), universities, museums and botanical gardens
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Website
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Newsletter and mailing list Working closely with other partners, National Museum, Prague edit and publish four editions of an electronic newsletter per year.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Database of relevant conferences/events National Museum, Prague and leading project partners such as the Work Package leaders coordinate the planning of presentations of the project at relevant conferences and meetings. For this purpose, a database of relevant conferences and events is established and maintained. Promotional workshops will be held at national or regional level. A series of presentations at conferences towards the beginning of the project will aim to raise awareness. Partners will be responsible for local organisation and documentation of events. In addition they will promote the project and the activities of BHL-Europe at their national level and undertake appropriate advocacy. In addition, there is a mutual information flow of relevant conferences/events between BHL-Europe and Europeana. The events calendar for Europeana, related projects and other important events is regularly updated on the EuropeanaV1.0 project website ( This exchange of events information results in an even wider dissemination of biodiversity related events towards European citizens. RESPONSIBILITY: NMP and RBINS, assisted by other Work Package participants.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination and evaluation activities and relevant responsibilities Deliver composition of Communications Working Group RESPONSIBILITY: NMP BHL-Europe dissemination plan RESPONSIBILITY: NMP, CWG BHL-Europe promotion kit RESPONSIBILITY: NMP, input from consortium partners BHL-Europe multimedia presentation, final version RESPONSIBILITY: NMP Illustrated publication on best practice guidelines and standards for the public RESPONSIBILITY: NMP, MfN, NHM
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.6 Main dissemination activities TimingDissemination ActivityAudiencePurposeKey Message M3 onwardsWeb site and multimediaAll audiences (scientists and public) InformationBringing biodiversity heritage resources on-line M3 & quarterlyNewsletter and mailing listAll audiences (scientists and public) Information about the project and relevant issues, open discussion News about achievements of BHL-Europe and related projects, open discussion activity M3 onwardsEvents and conferenceScientists, partner networkInformation, call for participation and networking Vision of the project, explaining features M3 onwardsPress releasesMediaInform wide readership about the project News about achievements of the project and launch of the portal M3 and M6Dissemination planConsortium and ECPlanning of disseminationClear organization and value of dissemination M6 onwardsPromotion kit promotional items printed materials, templates All audiences (scientists and public) To inform, engage and attract audiences Vision of the project, explaining features depending on audience and items M36Multimedia presentationPortal usersTo explain the functionality of the portal Getting the best from the portal, portal is easy and interesting to use M36Illustrated publicationProfessional communityPublication of best practice guidelines Achievements and plans for future
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 2.7 Planning and reporting framework for dissemination The BHL-Europe partners are requested to report on their dissemination activities to the Work Package 5 leader. Feedback will be gathered by means of a questionnaire which is circulated by the BHL-Europe team amongst the partners at regular intervals. Inputs from all the partners will feed into a Dissemination plan template which will be updated regularly in the course of the project and will result in a Final dissemination report.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague 3 Dissemination: objectives, activities, target audiences 3.1Conferences, promotional workshops and presentations Conferences would be used to: Stimulate interest in BHL-Europe project methodologies, its software realised implementation and its results Stimulate interest in Europeana - the European Digital Library Reach wide and varied audiences: librarians, publishers, and researchers in relevant disciplines Stimulate discussion and feedback. Promote the use of BHL-Europe content on a regular basis by its target audience. 3.2 Workshops As for conferences, workshops are an opportunity to share results and stimulate discussion. However, the format allows more detailed presentation of results, more interactive discussion, and a greater opportunity to explore implications, particularly in BHL-Europe project methodologies and its software realised implementation.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination: objectives, activities, target audiences 3.3Publications (promotional kit, posters...) Publications will be the main way that the project communicates results and conclusions to the outside world. The objective of publications would be to: Communicate project results widely Reach specific audiences that will benefit from the results (researchers, Biodiversity Heritage Library users) Stimulate interest in BHL-Europe project methodologies and its software realised implementation
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination: objectives, activities, target audiences 3.4 Web sites The NMP has developed a project website for the Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe: This site provides public access to general information on the project (objectives, partners, scope, etc.) and to its public deliverables and presentations Electronic Newsletter The BHL–Europe Newsletter is published four times a year. It provides information about the project and the achievements of the project. 3.6 Mailing list and direct mail campaigns The list will be used to communicate in the project and also to notify/inform about the project progress. In addition to mailing list we are planning to conduct direct mail campaigns.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague Dissemination: objectives, activities, target audiences 3.7 Press release and articles BHL-Europe plans to disseminate the project result and ongoing activities via public media, presentations and papers to enable BHL–Europe material to be widely disseminated trough journals, newspapers and magazines and speaking opportunities at appropriate conferences and seminars, including BHL–Europe events. A specific press release about the project will be realised. This will be distributed among certain general press magazines to promote BHL–Europe web site and benefits trough such media.
BHL –Europe meeting in Prague BHL-Europe promotion kit Design and production of the project promotion kit is one of the most important actions of the wp 5. We have designed flyers, folders, posters, multimedia presentations, business cards for work-package leaders, letter papers. We have already produced flyers, power point presentation templates and posters. These tools were used for dissemination of the project in numerous conferences and public events in the first half a year of the project. All our partners got them to start dissemination activities.
BHL – Europe meeting in Prague Tasks for M 9 and M 12 Task 5.4 – Demonstration and awareness raising – Maintain and update the database of conferences and public events relevant for BHL- Europe; identify consortium members to present the project at selected events – Alignment of public awareness activities of related projects (e.g. EDIT) – Organise public events and talks – Represent BHL-Europe at conferences and special events (responsibilities depend on conference location and theme). Task 5.5 – Plan and organise user evaluation activities – Put in place Web-based evaluation tools to survey users (to determine target group of the users, country of the users, most interesting content, page views, etc.) – Develop online questionnaires to identify user requirements, preferences, experiences, benefits, and un-met needs; document case studies of non-science usage of content – Establishing user testing groups; evaluation of this group using interaction logging – Plan and prepare the two special evaluation periods during the project. Preparation of multilingual web site and Newsletter No. 3