WHAT IS ASSONANCE? Definition : The repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences. Used to reinforce words or create a mood to the text. Long vowel sounds will slow down the pace, short vowel sounds will speed it up. Could think of them as ryming words 2:37 -3:25
EXAMPLES I was eating the cheese under the trees while the breeze was blowing. ( the “ee” sound) Go slow over the road. (Long “o” sound) I like to ride my bike and take hikes. (Long “I” sound) I float my boat over the moat. (Oh sound)
MORE EXAMPLES There was a time when I was sitting in line. (I sound) How do you make soup? (oo sound) We went to see the movie. (Ee sound)
YOUR TURN! That cat sat back. I ate that piece of pie on a big plate late last night. Are you still going to work at the zoo? We go to the store, I know that I have to owe the cashier money
ANSWERS That cat sat back. I ate that piece of pie on a big plate late last night. Are you still going to work at the zoo? We go to the store, I know that I have to owe the cashier money
COLD READ! Find examples of assonance in the following poem by Alfred Tennyson
ACTIVITY (WORD SEARCH) Find which word has assonance with the other I'll give you 2 – 3 min to find words you want to circle, if you find the two words with assonance, raise your hand and come up and circle them What ever team has the most paired words wins.
MATCH THEM FIRST (MAY WANT TO WRITE THIS DOWN) Cat Fly Taste See Ghost October Please Ant Dime High Bat Post Loop Over Plant Me Time Waste Knee
TIPS TO HELP REMEMBER AssonAnce – Think of that “a” sound that they make Vowels dance and prance to assonance! 9 letters in A S S O N A N C E, 9 syllables in A E I O U and some times Y
IN CONCLUSION Repitition of vowel sounds Helps create emotion and mood Kind of like rhying words