Art and Music
Mark Ryden Portraying Lady Gaga Cover of Rolling Stone magazine
H. R. Giger Emerson, Lake & Palmer Album Art Glen Danzing Album Art
Rodger Dean Various “YES” album covers
Daniel Johnston Various promotional posters and album covers for his own music.
Luke Chueh
Vasily Kafanov
Jason Oda
Alex Pardee
Project: Design a promotional Poster (18x24”) poster for your favorite musical Artist. Create a composition that takes up the entire paper. Must include the band’s name Must be able to explain how images on the poster relate to the musical artist chosen. You may use markers, crayons, construction paper, glue, colored pencils, scissors etc. Music, Design and Art rubric: Behavior/ prepared for class ___/100 Originality and Creativity ___/200 Followed guidelines of project (size, inclusion of text, etc.) ___/100 Craftsmanship ___/200 Total ___/600pts = ____%