Town of Freeport Dispatch Cost Analysis Prepared by: Greg L’Heureux, CPA, Former Town of Freeport Finance Director Ken Knight, CSI Communications Solutions Inc
Detailed Workshop Agenda 1. Town Manager’s Introduction-Dale Olmstead, Jr. 2. Discussion of Capital Costs Associated with Joining Cumberland County Dispatch-Ken Knight 3. Financial Analysis of Joining vs Remaining at Public Safety- Greg L’Heureux 4. Discussion of Staffing Coverage of the Dispatch Window for Customer Service-Abbe Yacoben 5. Discussion of County Dispatch Operations by Cumberland County Representatives-Bill Whitten, Donny Durrah and Bill Holmes 6. Example of Consolidation by Representative from Gorham (First Agency to Consolidate)-Fire Chief Bob Lefebrve 7. Questions from Councilors
Staff Recommendation from May 21 st, 2008 Council Meeting Due to the anticipated capital costs of connecting Freeport Dispatch with Cumberland County Dispatch, staff recommends that the Freeport Town Council not consider consolidation with the County until it has installed a microwave communication ring which is anticipated to be completed in June, In the interim, the Town staff will analyze the impact on service levels that could result from consolidation. This analysis will be done with and without the retention of existing personnel. Staff will update the Town Council not later than January 1, 2009.
Dispatch Consolidation Capital Cost Analysis County Proposal--Option A: (Do Not Maintain Alarms) Start-Up Costs (Microwave Ring, Radio Equip., Installation)80,500 Alarm Monitoring Equipment CCRCC0 CAD Software License52,000 Video & Call box at Public Safety Entryway 14,000 Other 10,000 Federal Grant Award(34,000) Total 122,500 Note: Capital costs prior to microwave ring were $184,500 Note: Avoided capital costs per five-year plan are $50,000
Dispatch Consolidation Capital Cost Analysis County Proposal--Option B: (Maintain Current Alarm Monitoring) Start-Up Costs (Microwave Ring, Radio Equip., Installation)80,500 Alarm Monitoring Equipment CCRCC110,000 CAD Software License52,000 Video & Call box at Public Safety Entryway 14,000 Other 10,000 Federal Grant Award(34,000) Total 232,500 Note: Capital costs prior to microwave ring were $404,000 Note: Avoided capital costs per five-year plan are $50,000
Cost Analysis –Operations Only (No Capital) Town of Freeport Current Costs FY10 Dispatch Budget $ 216,707 Estimated Benefits 54,782 Less equipment costs still required to still be paid by Town $ (19,600) Total estimated direct Dispatch cost $ 251,889 Less revenue -Pownal only (8,700) Net Current Cost of Dispatch Freeport 243,189
Cost Analysis –Operations Only (No Capital) County Proposal--Option 1 (No Staff Retention): Estimate Population 8,111 Unit Cost Fiscal year Total County Annual Operating Cost 137,481 Annual Estimated Additional Connection/Maintenance Cost 10,000 Total 147,481 Savings from Consolidating vs Retaining No Staff in Freeport 95,707
Cost Analysis –Operations Only (No Capital) County Proposal--Option 2 (Staff Retention): Population 8,111 Unit Cost Fiscal year Total County Annual Operating Cost 137,481 Annual Estimated Staffing Retained (Window -- 7 Days) 21,000 Annual Estimated Additional Connection/Maintenance Cost 10,000 Total 168,481 Savings from Consolidating vs Retaining Staff for Weekend Coverage 74,707
Cost Analysis –Operations Only (No Capital ) ProposedEstimated 3% Town of Freeport Current Costs FY10 FY11FY12FY13FY14 Dispatch Budget 216,707223,208229,904273,802282,016 Estimated Benefits 54,78258,37162,26281,06686,685 Less expenses required to still be paid by Town (19,600) (20,188) (20,794)(21,417)(22,060) Total estimated direct Dispatch cost 251,889261,391271,373333,451346,640 Less revenue -Pownal only (8,700)(8,961)(9,230)(9,507)(9,792) Net Current Cost of Dispatch Freeport 243,189252,430262,143323,944336,848 Note: An additional dispatcher is assumed in FY 2013 due to current increases in call volume. County Proposal--Option 1 (No Staff Retention): Population 8,111 Unit Cost Fiscal year Total County Annual Operating Cost 137, , , , ,754 Annual Estimated Additional Connection/Maintenance Cost 10,000 10,500 11,025 11,576 12,155 Total 147, , , , ,909 Difference 95, , , , ,940 County Proposal--Option 2 (Staff Retention): Population 8,111 Unit Cost Fiscal year Total County Annual Operating Cost 137, , , , ,754 Annual Estimated Staffing Retained 21,000 21,630 22,279 22,947 23,636 Annual Estimated Additional Connection/Maintenance Cost 10,000 10,500 11,025 11,576 12,155 Total 168, , , , ,544 Difference 74,707 78,682 82, , ,304
Potential New Alarm Revenue Currently 101 Business Alarms Initial Installation Fee Currently $450 Proposed $500 Annual Renewal $35 Mechanical Alarms (61 Total) Increase to $225 DET Boxes (40 Total) Increase to $475 Potential New Revenue $25,000 (A more precise number is not given because some businesses may choose private alarm monitoring companies instead of the Town’s alarm monitoring)
Impact of Discontinuing Alarm Service Current General Fund Revenue $13,000 annually New General Fund Expenditure Outsourcing Town building alarm monitoring $1500 per year Total General Fund Impact Approximately $14,500
Service Impact-Staff Recommendation Current staff will be moved to cover the dispatch “reception” window (M-S 8:00-4:30/S 10- 4:30) Weekends and holidays will be staffed per-diem. Approx cost $21,000 Telephone Calls: County will begin to answer Reassurance Program: to be handled by fire department staff or reception personnel Radio Communications: County will handle except internal Town department traffic Teletype (data entry of incidents): County In-House Computer System: County will handle basic incident entry; police department staff will enter routine changes not caused by an incident Parking Tickets: Will be handled by police staff Towing Calls: County General Questions (directions, events, etc.): During normal business hours only Permits: During business hours, except burn permits can be done on-line for $7 Concealed Weapons Permits: During business hours Bad-Check Packets: During business hours
Service Impact Continued Council Packets: During business hours or mailed to councilors’ homes Other Meeting Packets: During business hours, or if a customer needs to drop off paperwork, the Town could install a secure drop-box Key Sign-Out: During business hours or handled by school personnel Copies of Police and Fire Reports: During normal business hours Detail and Property Check Forms: During normal business hours Parking Ticket Collection: During normal business hours, drop box, or via mail Animal Fees: Call box to County, and an officer is called in from patrol Alarm Payments: Via US Mail or drop box Shellfish Hotline: During normal business hours or work with Warden to change message remotely Monitor and Maintain Alarm Infrastructure: Fire personnel
Public Safety Configuration Building will be secured after-hours Telephone with video will be available outside front door County Dispatch Center will be able to speak with, monitor, and remotely let people into lobby in an emergency situation until police arrive Exterior alarm will alert both the police and fire departments that someone needs entry (fire department is staffed 24/7)
Cumberland County Highlights Surge Capacity-Multi-Town Emergencies Costs Assurance-Hiring Employees The Gorham Experience