INTRO Using quotes in an essay or research project is important when making a point or supporting evidence. Therefore, you must properly cite a quote to give credit where credit is due. Without citations, your work will be considered plagiarized!
INTRO Proper citations will be used throughout the entire school year, the rest of your high school experience, and into your college years, so learning proper MLA citation format is important! I will teach you how to incorporate quotes into an essay when we do our first essay. For now, we are starting with the basics.
STEP ONE: FIND FORMATTING TOOL You will use Noodle Tools to help you spit out online citations. For now, we will use Owl Purdue to cite our novel the old- fashioned way. (EXCELLENT RESOURCE!)
STEP TWO: FIND INFO FROM TEXT To cite a novel, you need: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. (psst… this is the order of how it will look on your Works Cited page) This information will be in the first page or two of your book.
STEP THREE: FORMAT THE INFO Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Hill and Wang, Print. INDENT
STEP FOUR: WORKS CITED Works Cited Encyclopedia of Indiana. New York: Somerset, Print. Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, Print. Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Hill and Wang, Print. Always put sources in alphabetical order.
QUOTING WITH PERIODS When quoting a novel, you will only use the LAST NAME of the author and the PAGE NUMBER. “Thus passed the year 1943” (Wiesel 8). Period ALWAYS goes after parenthesis. REMOVE the period from inside the quotes.
QUOTING A LONG QUOTE For long quotes that you only want to use pieces of, use ellipses. “ I continued to devote myself to my studies…Thus passed the year 1943” (Wiesel 8).
QUOTING WITH EXCLAMATION/QUESTIONS MARKS “When had we left our homes? And the ghetto? And the train? Only a week ago? Only one night?” (Wiesel 37). Period STILL goes after parenthesis. You always keep ? and ! instead of removing it.
QUOTING DIALOGUE In the novel, dialogue is shown in quote marks. To quote a quote, use single quote marks within the double quote marks. “’Water, Mother, I am thirsty!’” (Wiesel 16).
CITING WITHOUT AN AUTHOR (ONLINE SOURCES) If you run into a source with no author, you use the first piece of information sticking out to the left on your Works Cited page. “Quotations and citations are the wave of the nations” (Encyclopedia of Maher 8). Encyclopedia of Maher. Canton: My Brain, Online.