YR 11 Theme 1 unit 3
Intro You will study 4 topics this year: Community Action and active citizenship Democracy and identity Fairness and Justice Global issues and making a difference
There is no NEW citizenship coursework this year but you must have completed both the advocacy and making a difference in society coursework. Deadline October half term.
We have already looked at how citizens can get involved in society. We have looked at the successes and failures of several direct and indirect methods of action.
Recap Direct action: Using methods that directly disrupt the operation of the cause in question. Non violent methods include peaceful protests, sit –ins etc. Violent methods include riots and criminal damage. Indirect action: The use of methods to indirectly persuade a person to act differently towards your cause. For example: petitions, letter writing and giving a speech.
Now we will be looking at types of pressure groups and looking at why some pressure groups are more effective in bringing about a change than others. Case studies are very important!
Community Action and Active Citizenship
Pressure Group: A group that tries to influence public policy and especially government legislation and law regarding the group’s particular concerns and priorities.
Different types of pressure groups and their methods Fathers 4 Justice use Direct methods to disrupt government/royal families running Fathers 4 Justice use Direct methods to disrupt government/royal families running Watch this clip: Watch this clip:
RSPCA campaigns are indirect, usually posters, adverts and petitions
Which is more successful? We will be looking at the reasons WHY different pressure groups are more successful than others.
The 3 types of pressure group Promotional Sectional Insider Mix and match the definitions of the 3 types of pressure groups.
Next week we will be looking at the 5 factors that make a pressure group successful.