Period 1 Friday, 12 August Daily Journal 2. Vocabulary 3. Early American Writing pg. 18 American Literature
Daily Journal #3 Now that we have started looking at the various critical lenses a reader can use to analyze literature, which lens do you think will be most beneficial (helpful) to you as we begin studying American literature and writers? Which lens do you think you will find to be most interesting? Explain your answers. (Copy underlined section)
Share Answers With a neighbor, share your answers. Call on groups to share what they came up with.
Vocabulary List 1 Test Make sure you have turned in your vocabulary list 1 definitions, crossword, and word search (extra credit). Clear your desks of everything but a pencil. Remain silent until I have collected all tests or you will receive a ZERO!
Literature Books Unit 1: Early American Writing pg. 18 Native American Experience, Exploration and Early Settlers, Puritan Tradition, Writers of the Revolution UNIT OBJECTIVES Provide context for reading selections in Unit 1. Understand the historical and cultural context of early American writing. Understand historical perspectives that make up early American writing. Take notes by charting main ideas and details.
Early American Writing An Emerging Nation pg. 18 Read the 1 st paragraph aloud. Name the different groups mentioned in selection Read aloud The Meeting of Two Worlds. Summarize important sections. As a class create an outline for section. Silently read to the end of The Native American Experience on pg. 23. As you read complete the outline we started.