TASK 1.1 PROMOTIONAL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Generally you have written marketing objectives BUT need to explain more specific promotional ones How promotional activities must have clearly defined objectives, such as: improving customer awareness and knowledge of a product improving the image of the business generating or increasing sales improving customer loyalty to a product or business altering customer perceptions of a product. textbook/integrated-marketing-communications-12/selecting-the-promotion-mix- for-a-particular-product-84/promotional-objectives / textbook/integrated-marketing-communications-12/selecting-the-promotion-mix- for-a-particular-product-84/promotional-objectives / Explain why each of them is important to Fodder.
1.2 Customer Segmentation This has been well done. Make sure all charts are copied and pasted age; gender & socio-economic from your marketing task. You could add something extra about the people of Harrogate from /Harrogate%20District%20Profile% pdf to show how big your target market is
1.3 Promotional Activities Many have described the methods you are going to use. You should add many more advantages and disadvantages of each method. Can you find any original statistics; charts or diagrams to illustrate these e.g figures which show how popular social media are or gender of who reads the Harrogate Advertiser. In particular you need to explain how each method is directed at your target market. Very few explained which aims each method helped to achieve. Different promotions achieve different aims!
Methods of Promotion- Advertising Social media Personal selling Harrogate advertiser Online advertising/ advertising/ Flyers Radio There are lots of facts and figures in the advertising section e.g use-radio/seven-reasons-for-using-radio/ use-radio/seven-reasons-for-using-radio/ Posters/banners disadvantages/22444/ disadvantages/22444/ E Newsletters
Methods of Promotion Sales Promotions Sales promotions sales-promotion sales-promotion Coupons pros-cons-and-tips pros-cons-and-tips Free samples business/finding-and-selling-to-customers/ /seven- benefits-of-giving-out-free-samples.thtml business/finding-and-selling-to-customers/ /seven- benefits-of-giving-out-free-samples.thtml Competitions
2. Resources Human Which specific staff are required for your promotion e.g a chef & waiters for party evenings They all need specilaist marketing and here is the job description of the shared marketing manager with Pavilions 15.pdf 15.pdf Physical Think of everything required – lots explain PCs needde but forgot things like the food for their events or T shirts. Finance You should at least have a summary budget for all that’s required for your campaign, with an explanation Gant Chart of timings – most people haven’t done it. It should have an explanation of the timings with it.
3.1 Design a Campaign AIDA – some do not have an explanation of what this means. You were then supposed to use this to design promotions e.g design a leaflet; newspaper advert; write a radio script etc. Many don’t have any! You are supposed to take each promotion in turn and explain how it uses AIDA. Each promotion may use all or just some of them.
3.2 Conduct research Questionnaire generally well done Focus group – you were supposed to show the adverts to the group to ask what they think about them – what are strengths and weaknesses. Most people have just asked more general questions. If you haven’t done this properly you must do it again! If you don’t you will not be able to complete the last evaluation task properly, as here you say whether your campaign succeeded or not!