1 Technician Licensing Class Welcome to the Majors Field ARC Spring Tech Class
2 2 What is Amateur (or “Ham”) Radio? FCC Part 97 Definition: “A radiocommunication service for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, that is, duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.” In other words (ELI5): Radio Frequencies set aside for communication and experimentation by licensed individuals who are interested in radio for non-monetary reasons.
3 3 What do Amateur Radio Operators Do? Emergency/ Event Communications Storm Spotting Backup communications for civil disasters Communications between rest stops/ SAG’s during races Ragchew Swap Stories Discuss current events Contest Contact as many stations as possible in a given time period Some contests are mode restricted (Morse code only, Digital modes, etc.) Some contests require setting up in specific locations (Texas State Parks on the Air, Field Day)
4 4 What do Amateur Radio Operators Do? Experiment with Radio Equipment Build your own radio transceiver Antenna Design New digital modes/ software Chasing DX Contact other Amateur Radio operators around the world Working multiple continents/ countries Foxhunting
5 5 How is this class structured? There are 426 questions in the “pool” in 35 groups. 35 questions (one from each group) will be on the test. All 426 questions and answers will be covered in this class. Home Study is HIGHLY encouraged. Gordon West Book (available from W5YI in Arlington or Amazon)
6 6 When and Where is the test? 5:30 pm May 19, 2015 Hunt County Regional Medical center 4215 Joe Ramsey Boulevard East Greenville, Texas Conference Room 1 on the second floor. This test session is open to anyone who wants to test. RSVP to is appreciated.
7 7 What do You need to bring to the test? Photo ID SSN for NCVEC Form 605 (Or apply for a FRN from the FCC) Pen 4 function calculator (scientific calculators, cell phones, graphing calculators are NOT allowed!)