Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan
Agenda Department Information Student Strength Faculty Strength Academic Activities Research Activities Future Plans Observations and Suggestions
Department Information Started in the year with intake of 60 Students Presently We offer a)B.E. b)M.Tech (Part Time) – QIP Under VTU c)M.Sc.(Engg.) by research d)Ph.D. Affiliated by VTU, Belagavi UGC, New Delhi has given autonomous status to the Department Recognized as a research center by VTU for M.Sc.(Engg.) by research & Ph. D. Programs
Student Information Student Strength Year
Faculty Information Teaching Staff 1.Dr. V.N. NarayanaProfessorProfile 2.Dr. Ramesh BProfessor and HeadProfile 3.Prof. B.B. NeelankatappaAssociate ProfessorProfile 4.Prof. Uma BAssociate ProfessorProfile 5.Dr. J. Chandrika,ProfessorProfile 6.Prof. P. SunithaAssistant ProfessorProfile 7.Prof. Harshitha.K.RajAssistant ProfessorProfile 8.Prof. Ayeesha SiddiqhaAssistant ProfessorProfile
Faculty Information Teaching Staff 9.Mr. Gururaj H.LAssistant Professor Profile 10.Mr. Keerthi K.SAssistant Professor Profile 11.Mr. Babukumar SAssistant Professor Profile 12.Ms Sunitha RAssistant Professor Profile 13.Mr. Praveen K.SAssistant Professor Profile 14.Mrs. Kavayashri M.NAssistant Professor Profile 15.Mrs. Rukmini SAssistant Professor Profile 16.Mr. Suman DevSystem Analyst Profile
Academic Activities YearCourses OfferedExtra activities/CoursesRemarks 1.Common Syllabus Computer Programming Using C & Laboratory Physical Education and Activities Professional English Professional Kannada 2.Six Courses & Two Labs in each semester Communication Skills-I 3. Six Courses & Two Labs in Fifth semester Four Courses, Two Electives & Two Labs in Sixth semester Constitution of India & Professional Ethics (Audit Course) Communication Skills-II Environmental Science(Audit Course) C# Programming and.NET Advanced UNIX Programming Data Mining 4. Three Courses and Two Electives, Two Labs, Mini-Project in 7 th Semester Two Courses & Two Electives, Seminar and Project Work in 8 th Semester Paper presentation at Conference/WS levels Training /Seminar/WS on advanced topics Technical Talk Advanced Java Internet of Things(IOT) Mobile Communications Software Testing
Other Events Conducting By the Department Sl No. Events 1. Training Programmes for Students : Soft skills and Aptitude, Hands on sessions 2. Faculty Development Programmes 3. Workshop and Seminar for Students and Staff 4. National Conference on “Multimedia Technology and Communication System- 2014/2015” 5. Technical Talk on Advanced Topics 6. Conducting Training Programmes for weak & weaker section of Students 7. Involved in the development of NPTEL Project – Prof Ramesh B Cloud Computing and Data mining Laboratory Established under TEQIP-II Network Simulation Laboratory
Students Activities Student’s Research Project Project Title: “Cyber Security Analysis for Eavesdropping Attack in Online Retail Applications” Funded by: KSCST, IISc, Bangalore. Sanction of Student Project Reference no. 38S1041. (2015) Selected for Internship at Google Inc. : 4-7 months internship starting from July Lakhs/Month. Placed in top 3 among 500 in VTU Hackfest organized by Talentspear, winning 40 lakhs worth prizes. (16 th Nov 2015) Placed first in Poster Designing competition at the International Conference on Climate Change 2015, Mysore. (10 th April 2015) Developed a web-app for MCE using HTML, CSS3, PHP and CMS Developed an android app for Malnad College of Engineering Developed a web-app for ONLINE TREASURE HUNT, A SA, MCE, event. Developed SIMS for Masters PU College, Hassan
Research Activities at Department Levels Number of Publications: Research Scholars and Supervisor Details: FacultyStudents Journals2207 Conferences3525 (Two Best Paper Award) Sl.No.Name of the Research Guide Area of SpecializationName of Research Scholars 1.Dr. V.N. NarayanaNatural Languages1.Mr. Parameshwarappa 2.Mrs Hanebel Alva 2.Dr. Ramesh B Mobile AdHoc Networks Cloud Computing Wireless Sensor Networks 1.Mr. Sreedhar 2.Mr Raghavendra (OBC) 3.Ms. Srividya 4.Gururaj H L (OBC) 5.Kavyasri M N (ST) 6.Pusphalatha (SC) 7.Mr. Praveen K S 3.Dr. Chandrika JData Mining and Big data Analytics 1. Mrs Neelambika (OBC) 2. Ms. Sunitha R (OBC)
Future Plans Improvements in contents of course syllabi: quality and depth with respect to R&D Big data Analytics Cloud Computing Multimedia Computing IOT and Data Mining Sensor Networking System for Agricultural Applications Dedicated Research laboratory to do research work by Staff and Students w.r.t Data Science and Machine Learning. Starting New full time PG Courses in Advance technologies- Data Science and Machine Learning
Observations and Suggestions
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