Road Safety Education Program (RSEP) A first Summary July 2011 Putting People First
A new approach to learning and evaluation Help implement a true culture of road safety Train a new generation of drivers Learn to drive and how to behave on the road Remind learners that driving is a complex task Key words: anticipation, courtesy (share the road), responsibility and independence
Road Safety Education Program
Basis of the new program Guiding principles: – Alternation between theory and practice – Independent driving – Eco-driving – At-risk behaviours – OEA strategy (Observe-Evaluate-Act) Competency-based approach – Acquisition of 4 competencies
Summary of main changes Before Course Duration: 20 hours Approach: goal-based (1980) Contents: knowledge + know- how Steps: theory then practice Training: lecture (memorization) Tests Knowledge: memorization On-road: supervised test Now Course Duration: 39 hours Approach: competency-based Contents: knowledge + self- management skills Steps: alternation between theory and practice Training: interactive (thought + self-evaluation) Tests Knowledge: integration On-road: semi-guided evaluation
6 Process over 12 months (duration of learner’s licence) Phase 2Phase 1Phase 3Phase 4 Attestation of successful completion of Phase 1 SAAQ Learner’s licence SAAQ Knowledge test 10-MONTH MINIMUM PERIOD No attestation required All theoretical training completed SAAQ Road test 12-MONTH MINIMUM PERIOD Attestation of successful completion of driving course (theory and practice) Knowledge test passed
Profile of driving schools Number of accredited driving schools Number of trainers Number of students who have registered for the new driving course since implementation
Impact of introduction of the RSEP For driving schools Resistance to change Change in role of instructors and monitors Implementation of new administrative procedures For aspiring drivers Stricter requirements for successful completion of driving course Greater independence Higher cost For the SAAQ Make road safety the focus of education Train a new generation of drivers who are safety-aware, cooperative and responsible Resistance to change A need for strengthening of school monitoring
Knowledge test
Main changes Questions in the form of illustrations or situations that encourage: -Better integration of lessons learned -Application of rules rather than simply quoting them -Thought rather than memorization -More sustainable retention of lessons learned
Sample question
Road test
Main changes Evaluation of 3 competencies: Handling a passenger vehicle Sharing the road Complying with legislation Less guided evaluation: Driving independently during part of the test Managing driving situations as they arise Making decisions without the examiner’s help
Main changes... continued Question aspiring drivers on risks Verify their ability to identify at-risk situations More challenging route Stricter penalties for offences to the Highway Safety Code (speeding, right-of-way, stops, etc.) Continuous evaluation where each evaluation criterion is weighted according to how many times a mistake is made
New test implementation steps 1.Preparation of working documents 2.Establishment of a working committee 3.Trial implementation 4.Training of examiners 5.Introduction of test 6.Follow-up and update of evaluation sheet (to come)
Concerns of examiners Before implementation Resistance to change – Increased failure? – Test too demanding? – How to get used to new evaluation sheet? – Applicability of test? To gain the approval of examiners – Enlist their participation in the working committee – Plan a trial implementation of the test – Provide a period of training and adaptation – Develop comprehension support tools
Findings of examiners New test post-implementation workshops – Adjustments to contents of evaluation sheet – Adjustments to wording of test guidelines Examiners’ assessment – Communication of test results made easier through new method and evaluation sheet – Easier to target weaknesses of examinees
Next steps in the management of the new driving course Lifting of moratorium – Strengthen accreditation rules – Increase the frequency and diversity of school monitoring – Revise the requirements for accreditation of schools – Ensure the program is made available to remote areas in Québec Strengthening of school monitoring is meant to ensure that schools: – Comply with requirements for trainer qualifications, course delivery, administrative rules, and rules governing the maximum price
Conclusion Implementation of the RSEP has made education a road safety priority Changing behaviours requires time First years: period of adaptation Less resistance to change following implementation of measures Too soon to evaluate the RSEP’s impact on the road safety record