AMTEC Educational Products Essential Tools to help CC’s meet Student and Industry Needs May 2012
Questions for you... How many are gearing up for apprentices? Programs running? Have responsibility for programs? From colleges?
A hybrid presentation format Mix of (2) presentations –Community College Integration plans –Inserted slides from a recent AMTEC Update
Crain’s Detroit Business April 8 “As many as 600,000 skilled laborer positions remain unfilled for U.S. manufacturers, according to a fall survey by Deloitte LLP and The Manufacturing Institute. The survey revealed that 67 percent of respondents had a moderate to severe shortage of skilled laborers.”
Mark Tomlinson, executive director of Dearborn-based Society of Manufacturing Engineers, called the skilled labor shortage in the U.S. manufacturing sectors "oncoming tsunami." He said that while the industry should have been prepared, it failed to maintain training programs. Crain’s Detroit Business April 8
What Can Colleges do to Help? New partnerships and services for Workforce Development Programs that teach the skills companies need Ways to recruit, assess and select future employees We can integrate tools that help industry meet its workforce competence goals
Areas of Essential CC Improvement 1. Competency Based Programs, Certificates & Degrees 2. Accelerating completion through Assessment 3. Hands-on Learning
Areas of Essential CC Improvement 1. Competency Based Programs, Certificates & Degrees 2. Accelerating completion through Assessment 3. Hands-on Learning
13 AMTEC courses CourseModules 1AMT 100: Computer Literacy5 2AMT 101: Fluid Power and Electrohydraulics/pneumatics7 3AMT 102: General PM and Predictive Maintenance2 4AMT 103s: PLC (Siemens)4 5AMT 103ab: PLC (Allen Bradley/Rockwell)4 6AMT 104: Blueprint reading/schematics3 7AMT 105: Robotics5 8AMT 106: Controls & Instrumentation4 9AMT 107: Basic Electricity and Electronics4 10AMT 108: Mechanical Systems/Mechanical Drives/Power Transmission6 11AMT 109: Safety4 12AMT 110: Welding and Fabrication4 13AMT 120: Machine Tool Operations7 59
Implementation – Certification & Degree Completion Elements Example ■Maintenance Technological Skills - aprox. 46 credits ■Manufacturing Organizational Skills ■RCM – Reliability Centered Maintenance “Doing the right maintenance at the right time in the right way” ■Individualized Employ Development Plans
One Future Application for the Incumbent & Future Workforce
Individual Employee Development Plan
Areas of Essential CC Improvement 1. Competency Based Programs, Certificates & Degrees 2. Accelerating completion through Assessment 3. Hands-on Learning
How can these benefit Apprenticeship? An important new building block in a new picture of apprenticeship/skills upgrade Why? Competency based, select which one’s you need for your trade, enable hands-on competency evaluation & assessment, standardized…. Tool for the Pipeline…(recruitment, selection, periodic testing)
Pre- and Post-Test
13 Topic Tests Computer Literacy Fluid Power and Electro- hydraulics/ pneumatics General PM and Predictive Maintenanc e PLC (Siemens) PLC (Allen Bradley/Roc kwell) Blueprint reading/ schematics Robotics Controls & Instrumentation Basic Electricity and Electronics Mechanical Systems/ Mechanical Drives/Pow er Transmissio n Safety Welding and Fabrication
Assessment Goals 100 Standards 2 versions of Comprehensive Test – 19 topic areas and 100 standards 13 courses 13 End-of- Course (topic level) Assessments 62 modules 62 pre- and 62 post- tests
Areas of Essential CC Improvement 1. Competency Based Programs, Certificates & Degrees 2. Accelerating completion through Assessment 3. Hands-on Learning
AMTEC Manufacturing Simulator
Timing & Next Steps Aligning modules for program integration Supporting the development of the modules, trainer, and implementation Currently conducting the first beta test of an online course with area maintenance workers Version 1 Release July 13, 2012
Thank you and Questions... What elements are most important to you? What elements are we missing?