1 Top Level of CSC DCS UI 2nd PRIORITY ERRORS 3rd PRIORITY ERRORS LV Primary - MaratonsHV Primary 1 st PRIORITY ERRORS CSC_COOLING CSC_GAS CSC – Any Single Multiple Pcrate – Any Single Multiple Glossary Instructions Communication Loss Locking OFF Acknowledged
2 1 st Priority HV Primaries LV Maratons
3 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS3 If a HV Primary Supply is in error, this is what the system will look like. Call the field manager at Any run in progress will continue but there will be no data from these chambers
4 Low Voltage PrimaryLost 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS4 When a Peripheral Crate Loses LV, check the Low Voltage Primaries (Labeled Maratons) If a Maraton goes into error, double click the Maraton in error and then in the top drop- down menu select “Off” Call the Field Manager (165509) after turning off the Maraton This alarm will probably stop any run with a FED ERROR
5 Maraton LV This panel shows the status for each of the Maraton LV supplies Each Maraton supplies LV to either Two Trigger Sectors, TS, of chambers (2x9) plus a pcrate (VME) 4x ~8.0V 1x ~5.5V + 1x ~6.5V Three pcrates (VME) (3TS) Shown! 3x ~5.5V & 3x ~7.0V note the voltages and currents for each output channel
6 Maraton The control panel for a Maraton is shown Do NOT turn on a tripped or OFF Maraton! – Expert Operation ONLY!
7 2 nd Priority Chambers or Pcrates HV LV Temperature
8 2 nd CSC Errors HV LV Temperature
9 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS9 CSC Status Move cursor over Chamber to read LV, HV, and Temperature You must double click the chamber to perform control actions upon it CSC HV ALARM CSC LV ALARM CSC temp ALARM
10 CSC Status Move cursor over CSC to view read back values NO control Displays HV LV Temperature NOTE: When entire display not in Generl mode this panel displays only information for the current mode
11 High Voltage Trip (Diagnosis) 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS11 If a single chamber goes into error, and the high voltage is in error, the HV in the chamber has tripped. Double click on the chamber, then double click on box ending in “_HV” then go to the next slide
12 CSC Status Double Click on CSC to get panel Double Click on ‘Sub- System name tab to get >>> ( see next slide )
13 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS13 Press FORCE ON If a chamber trips three or more times in a shift, call the CSC Expert (161972) HV Trip (Action)
14 HV Trip (Action) 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS14 Our inner ring of chambers on Station 1 have a different interface If you see this screen instead, select the drop down menu of the sub-system in error and select Off After 10 minutes in the same menu select On
15 Dubna HV Panel for control of HV Use this panel when following procedures for Dubna HV Panel shows time history of voltage Use this panel to watch ramp up of individual chamber HV
16 LV for Single Chamber Out 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS16 If Low Voltage currents or voltages are zero for a single chamber, the chamber has lost its firmware This can be ignored when not running Otherwise call the CSC Expert (161972)
17 CSC Temperature Alarm
18 2 nd Pcrate LV Temperature
19 Peripheral Crate Overheats (Diagnosis) 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS19 If a Peripheral Crate is in error while it’s Chambers are fine, mouseover the Peripheral Crate Check the DMB temperatures to see if they are too hot If so, double click on the Peripheral Crate in error and proceed to the next slide
20 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS20 Peripheral Crate Loses LV (Action) Single Click the TO SWITCH OFF button Call the Field Manager at
21 Peripheral Crate Loses LV (Diagnosis) 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS21 If a Peripheral Crate and it’s corresponding Chambers are in error, the Peripheral Crate has lost Low Voltage going to it. Check if LV Primary Supplies are also in error Double click on the Peripheral Crate in error and proceed to the next slide
22 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS22 Peripheral Crate Overheats(Action) Single Click the TO SWITCH OFF button Call the Field Manager at
23 3 rd Priority CSC_GAS CSC_COOLONG
24 Gas in Error 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS24 CSCs are designed to run for 24 hours without fresh gas while beam is off. If gas goes out during the Morning shift or Afternoon shift, wait an hour and then call the CSC Field Manager (165509) if gas is still in error. If gas goes out during the Owl shift, inform the morning shifters of the problem and have them call (165509) at 8 am if the gas is still in error. Back
25 Cooling in Error 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS25 Our Cooling is only indicative as to whether it is safe to turn on. If Cooling is in error while the system is off and wants to be turned on, call the CSC Field Manager (165509) before turning on. If the Cooling goes into error while CSC system is on, monitor chamber and rack temperatures. If 36 or more chambers are red (T > 32 °C), turn off entire system and call We would like to request that an SMS be sent to in the event of a cooling error. Currently it only sends to A. Lanaro Back
26 Standby
27 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS27 Standby State Standby indicates that the high voltage has been lowered below data taking levels This is currently also our Safe state Here only one chamber is shown in standby state, standby will mostly be for all chambers or none Back
28 CommunicationLost 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS28 When a chamber has a question mark on it, that means it has lost communication with DCS Mousing over will reveal a No Communication message If a chamber is out of communication for over an hour, call the CSC Expert (161972) Back
29 HV control and detail panel From this panel follow procedures to correct a UF HV trip
30 PCrate LV pcrate LV Status Move cursor over pcrate Shows the LV at CRB LV delivered to different boards in pcrate
31 PCrate LV Double click to get >>> PCB LV detail and control panel Individual OFF|ON control each group or board or voltage VCC – Crate Controller Shown Button in RED switches OFF/ON entire crate
32 Acknowledged Alarms The ! Symbol indicates that there is an ACKNOWLEDGED alarm on this device Back
33 Lock Out 1 st Turn Device OFF (shown after turn off) 2 nd click on check mark 3 rd click on “Disable” Record in ELOG Back
34 Other Error / Unknown State 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS34 ? Please double check to see if it looks similar to one of the previous problems and if so please perform those actions. No action described in this manual will damage our system If there is no procedure or the situation is unique please call the CSC Field Manager (165509).
35 Instructions
36 Nomenclature
37 Terminology 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS37 Each disc is called a Station Trapezoids the wheel are composed of represent Chambers Squares outside wheel represent Peripheral Crates Each Peripheral Crate controls a number of Chambers LV = Low Voltage HV = High Voltage Peripheral Crate Chamber Back
38 Backup Slides
39 Value Monitor There are 4 mode options for the value monitor display Max Temperature Average Temperature Max HV Average HV Max Maximum value over the last N? reads Average Average value over the last N? reads
40 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS40 Temp/HV Monitor There are 4 mode options for the value monitor display Max Temperature Average Temperature Max HV Average HV In continuous running mode keep monitor on Average Temperature If 36 or more chambers are red (T > 32 °C), turn off entire system and call Field Manager (165509)
41 Value Monitor The Value Monitor shows the values in color for all chambers Moving the cursor over a chamber brings up the summary panel for that chamber
42 This panel operates exactly as the ‘old’ version Note that the panel is shown as locked When this happens follow the procedures to get control! It is opened by double clicking on the Sub-Systems top button ‘Old’ Top Panel
43 How to change HV value for ME1/1 On Main DCS GUI double click CSC_HV. A smaller icon appears In this icon change the value (3000→2900) in ME 1/1 HV (Dubna HV) and push “Enter” on the keyboard. The color of the ME1/1 CSCs will change to blue like it is “OFF”. 1. 2. One can see the real values moving cursor to the desirable chamber.
44 ERRORS HERE - RED Do this …..
45 ERRORS HERE - RED Do this …..
46 ERRORS HERE - RED CSC_GAS NOTE: These values come from cDCS and are acted on there Notify cDCS Shifter Notify CSC CEO link CSC_COOLING NOTE: These values come from cDCS and are acted on there Link
47 Possible Errors 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS47
29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS48 Top Level of CSC DCS User Interface Low Voltage Supplies High Voltage Supplies Overall State Temperature Monitor Chamber View
49 Top Level of CSC DCS UI Top End view of CSC Stations Bottom Subsystems High Voltage Primary Maraton Value Monitor
50 Change Mode Change Mode Sets mode for Stations view General State Shows all values High Voltage – only Low Voltage – only Temperature – only
51 example In this example CSC ME-1/1/05 (Dubna) is in Standby Notice that the general display reflects this for the chamber The detail panel reflects this The Sub-Systems panel also reflects this
52 High or Low Voltage in Error 29-Sept-2009Operation of CSC DCS52 If either of these subsystems are in error a Chamber or Peripheral Crate will often also be in error. The following slides are all examples of what to look for when High or Low Voltage go into error.
53 HV Primary - UF This panel shows the Primary HV setting This panel is used to control the HV value during beam operations