Young Person’s substance misuse service in Hampshire Julie Poling – Team Leader
Who are Catch 22 We are a social business providing services that help people in tough situations to turn their lives around Across our areas of expertise Apprenticeships and Employability Care leavers Education Gangs Justice Young people and families In 2013/14 we worked directly with 35,890 people, supporting a further 44,772 young people through national partnership programmes, which means we touched over 80,000 lives
A little bit about Hampshire 24/7 We have held the contract in Hampshire since July On 1 st April 2013, Catch22 retained the contract for specialist treatment for young people under 18 years across Hampshire We now also deliver targeted support in educational settings for young people aged years (previously delivered by the PRISM network) Swanwick Secure Estate 2.5 days per week We deliver Universal drug and alcohol training for the young people’s workforce (this is free – you can book on via HCC learning zone)
Our Structure… We have 2 office bases – 1 in Fareham and 1 in Basingstoke. From these we operate a community engagement model – we will see young people where they feel most comfortable as we know that taking the service to young people significantly increases engagement in the service We have a multi skilled team who are currently undergoing FDAP registration or accreditation We have a identified lead worker in each district to ensure effective delivery and links with key partners. The worker for Fareham and Gosport is Jill Ulke We have a Qualified social worker in the team who is our safeguarding lead Our prescribing and consultation continues to be provided by a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Consultant
24/7 service – targeted work in education settings For anyone aged who is at risk of using or is at risk of exclusion due to their use 1-1 initial assessment of drug and alcohol use 1-1 or small group drug and alcohol sessions Offering 1-6 sessions dependant on need Transfer to specialist treatment if required Referrals can only be made by school based staff The Young person MUST consent to the referral
24/7 in Hampshire Referral Criteria for specialist treatment Young person regularly presents as incoherent following use of substances Young person perceives substance use affecting their daily life Substance use is dangerous, i.e. likely to lead to overdose Any heroin, crack, cocaine, amphetamine, mephedrone or volatile substance abuse Pregnant young women and using substances Substances are being injected Young person is only receiving needle and syringes from a pharmacist Young person requests safer injecting advice Substance use is causing or contributing to health problems Substance use is contributing to mental health problems Young person requires advice, information, on pre and post test counselling for Hepatitis B and C and HIV Poly substance use (more than one substance) It should be noted that the young person MUST consent to the referral being made
Self harm Mental health Diagnosis Suicidal thoughts Concerns for Emotional wellbeing History of Overdose Injecting Assessment Risk of BBV Risks associated with routes of use Sleeping Diet Physical Illness Self Image Sexual health Menstruation Physical Illness Prescribed Medication Weight/Height
24/7 Service – specialist treatment We use evidence based interventions - we know the input we give achieves significant outputs and outcomes for young people Care plan involving multi professional input from other services ensures a ‘wrap around’ service for young people Providing a range of interventions i.e. Substitute Prescribing, auricular acupuncture, needle exchange, Chlamydia, Pregnancy and access to Blood Bourne Virus Testing. Specialist support means young people get the correct provision based on their individual identified needs Overall this support improves outcomes for young people with substance misuse issues
How can you make a Referral? Anyone can refer a young person to the specialist treatment service, including the young person themselves. Referrals can be made over the phone or by ing the referral form to The young person MUST have given consent – even young people who are referred as part of a court order have to be assessed for their willingness to engage with the service. Research shows that co-ercive treatment does not work, therefore please make sure that the young person is aware and has consented before a referral is made Professionals can contact the team to discuss potential referrals, the 24/7 Hampshire Service are also Early Help Hub and MET Board Members to promote collaborative working Once a referral has been made we will offer an appointment for assessment within 5 working days
Contact Details Fareham Office/South Team: Basingstoke Office/North Team: Sarah Green – Service Manager Julie Poling – Team Leader