Teleprotection Equipment Clarification Meeting Tejin Gosai PTM&C 24 th April 2015
Shall comply with Eskom Standard (specification), “Teleprotection Equipment for use on Digital Telecommunications Channels or Dedicated Optical Fibre”. Shall complete the Technical Schedules A/B fully and correctly in the specification. Routine and Type Tests shall be done according to the Eskom specification There is a spread sheet attached with the Enquiry that lists the type tests which must be completed. Displayed on next slide. 2 Requirements
#TestDescription Certificate AvailableCertificate Date Certificate location in Tender Documentation a)Test 1Initial visual inspection Test 2Initial performance Test 5Electrical impulse Test 6Supply variation Test 7Supply interruptions Test 8 Electrical environmental interference Test 9Dry heat Test 10Low temperature b)Test 11Damp heat c)Test 16Humidity cycling d)Test 19 Insulation resistance (across isolating barrier) e)Test 20Soak f)Test 21Final performance g)Test 22Final visual performance h) Electrostatic Discharge Test i) Radiated interference Test j) Reflected Noise Test k) Capacitor Discharge Test (Input Burden) l) Security & Dependability Test m) Jitter tolerance Test n) Optical Performance Test o) Type Tests for IEC Type Test List
The teleprotection unit would either be mounted in the telecommunication’s cabinet or the protection cabinet. The teleprotection unit size must be limited to 3u. The teleprotection equipment shall be able to cater for conventional interfaces to the protection equipment (i.e. trip inputs and trip output contacts) and the telecontrol equipment (that is alarm contacts). The Teleprotection unit must have an “on/off” switch. The cable construction drawings and technical specification manuals shall be provided and in English. The number of unit addresses configurable shall be a minimum of 265 addresses. 4 Requirements
Telecoms Interfaces Optical interfaces (fibre) G652 compliant Single Mode Distance – 1km to 100km. If there is a driver of a distance of more than 100km, please include in tender. Provide technical details on the optical interface (e.g. optical budget, losses, receiver levels, etc.). The optical receiver shall not overload if the output of the transmitter is connected directly to the receiver input. This requirement is for short lines and to facilitate testing.
Telecoms Interfaces X21 (64kBit/s) The X.21 interface shall comply to section of the Eskom Standard, The teleprotection equipment shall operate to specification over a 64 kBit/s telecommunications channel. Provide technical details on the interface (e.g. losses, receiver levels, configurations, etc.). The supplier shall also indicate whether the G kBits/s is available and specify what interface is used.
Capacitor Discharge Test Where C is Capacitor, Vnom is the nominal voltage & Vtest is the test voltage: For System A, Vnom = 110/220 V DC & C = 2 uF For System C, Vnom = 48 V DC & C = 0.2 uF When Switch is in position 1, C is charged to 1.5 x V nom. When Switch is in position 2, C discharges the 1.5 x V nom into the Command Input: For System A, V test = 110/220 V DC x 1.5 = 165/330 V DC For System C, V test = 50 V DC x 1.5 = 75 V DC If the Command Input is not triggered by the 1.5 x V nom, then the unit passes this test. A separate module can be developed to cater for this requirement subject to Eskom’s approval (Input Burden Interface/Protection Interface Adaptor) Command Input + - C Switch V nom 1 2 V test = 1.5 x V nom
HMI The management console HMI shall be PC based and be fully compatible with the Microsoft Windows 7 or later versions of Microsoft operating system environments. Adaptors required to connect the equipment to PC/Laptop ports shall be compatible with the modern standard PC/Laptops e.g. USB to RS If web interfaces are used, these interfaces must not require that the web interface parameters (e.g. IP addresses, etc) be changed on the PC’s web software as this might create problems on the user’s Eskom’s Operating System.
The IEC standard implementation is an option but not compulsory. If the IEC standard is implemented, then the implementation shall conform to all the standards listed in section of the Eskom Standard, “Teleprotection Equipment for use on Digital Telecommunications Channels or Dedicated Optical Fibre”. 9 Requirements
Additional Info Suppliers are encouraged, to make proposals for facilities/features not included in the Eskom specification which, in their opinion, will be appropriate to Eskom’s requirements. Suppliers shall indicate in their tenders any aspects of their equipment’s non conformance to the enquiry. Suppliers shall indicate in their tenders any deviations of their equipment to the enquiry. Suppliers shall quote the actual or intended National or International standards, specifications, or recommendations with which their equipment complies. Suppliers shall provide a list of utilities where the Teleprotection units have been installed.
Additional Info Suppliers shall provide Training as part of the Tender. Suppliers shall provide a complete list of Spares and the time period of availability after contract expiration. Suppliers shall provide information on how they would provide professional technical support to Eskom (repairs, faults, queries, time lines etc.). Suppliers shall confirm and provide commitment (a policy) on the support for discontinued versions of the equipment.
Any Questions ? 12