Stress Management Taming Your Stress
Agenda Identify major sources of stress Learn how body reacts to stress Gain strategies for coping with stress
Workplace Cost $ billion annually Absenteeism Diminished productivity Employee turnover Direct medical, legal, insurance fees 60-80% of industrial accidents
Types of stress Eustress/PositiveDistress/Negative
What are your stressors?
Sources of Stress Physical Stress… Pain Heat or cold Infections Inflammation
Other Sources of Stress Psychological Stress… Intense worry or other psychological stressor Psychological environments at work or home
How stress affects your body Brain senses stress Sends message to glands and nervous system Nervous system transmits messages to your body
And then… Adrenalin speeds up heart Blood pressure rises Blood clotting time is reduced Sugar is pumped to fuel muscles Cholesterol & fats are mobilized Cortisol is released
The results… Damage to circulatory system Digestive tract problems Damage to lungs, muscles, joints Hastened process of aging
Our response to stress External or internal? Differences in interpretation 1. Lens of previous experience 2. Relative health of person 3. Mental health and positive outlook 4. Feeling of control – or lack of control
Acute Stress Noise Isolation Danger Imagining a threat
Acute Stress Crowding Hunger Infection
Chronic Stress On-going highly pressured work Loneliness Long term relationship problems Persistent financial worries
Signs of stress - Activity What are your physical and emotional signs of stress? 1. Warning signals 2. Reactions during stressful encounter 3. After-effects of stressful event
Strategies for Coping 1. Preventing negative stress 2. Dealing with stress “in the moment” 3. Handling feelings after an event
Prevention: Becoming “Stress Hardy” Effective work skills Assertive communication Cooperative work relationships
More Stress Hardiness Physical activities Healthy habits Hobbies Quiet pursuits Expressing emotions Humor/creativity Social relationships Pets Positive thinking
Negative Self-Talk Situation : You are working on a new project and it isn’t going well. Negative self-talk : I am so stupid! Why can’t I get this? It seems the harder I try, the worse it gets. I am just no good at this. I might as well give up.
Positive Reality Positive reality : I have finished projects like this before with good quality results. I know that I can be persistent and improve my skill. I have been successful before, and I will be this time, too.
During a Stressful Encounter Breathe! Count to ten Positive self-talk, “ I can handle this.” Active listening and neutral voice tone: “ So, you are saying that my report was not what you wanted.” Ask questions: “ How can I make it better? ”
Use Team Approach Mention common goals: “ We both want the best possible care for clients.” State commitment to mutually agreeable solution.
After Stressful Encounter Change physical location: go for a mindful walk, do vigorous exercise Talk to yourself (out loud!) Ask “How serious is this?” Give yourself a pep talk!
Rate the Experience On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your honest rating of situation? How important will this be in a year? A month? Next week?
Write! Write about what happened What have you learned? Acknowledge your progress
A Closer Look at Your Stress What is your fear? What is the worst thing that could happen? What are your options?
Watch your language! This is a disaster! – OR – challenge, opportunity, situation This will ruin my life! – OR – “This will be difficult, but I will handle the situation.”
Your Control What can you control in this situation? What is outside of your control?
Your Experience Similar situation in your past? How did you handle it? What evidence do you have that you can cope?
Managing Your Stress – Use Your Senses! Vision Hearing Taste Smell Touch Kinesthetic
Final Thoughts Review stress management tips Commit to add a new habit Follow through You can do it!
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