Sixth Grade
TitleAuthorBLPts 1. SuperfudgeJudy Blume The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett Catherine Called BirdyKaren Cushman The Hundred DressesEleanor Estes Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson The Bad BeginningLemony Snicket Out of the DustKaren Hesse Pippi LongstockingAstrid Lindgren The Lost Flower Children Janet Taylor Lisle Here Lies the LibrarianRichard Peck5.14 You must read on your assigned Reading Level. You may read UP but not down. If you fail an AR test, you may NOT take another test that same day. You must score 80% to pass and get credit for the test.
Twelve-year-old Peter Hatcher's brother, Fudge, has driven him up the wall since Day One! Now that he's older, Fudge is an even bigger pain; he eats worm brownies, insists on getting a myna bird for a pet, and is constantly singing words he knows how to spell. What could be worse? Well, Peter soon finds out that his mom is pregnant and the family is going to move to Princeton, New Jersey. Now Peter has to leave his friends behind. Not only that, he has to start the sixth grade in a new school — the same school that Fudge is going to attend! BL 4.8 Pts 4
The spoiled orphan Mary Lennox leaves India to live with her cold uncle in his dreary mansion in England. When Mary hears of a secret garden kept locked for ten years, she is determined to find it and tend it back to life. With the help of her uncle's sickly son and a boy who knows all about nature, Mary secretly transforms the garden - and all of their lives. BL 6.3 Pts 13
Catherine one day hopes to become a painter, a Crusader, a peddler, a minstrel, a monk, a wart charmer... anything besides being sold like a cheese to the highest bidder. The thirteen-year-old daughter of an English country knight keeps a journal in which she records the events of her life, particularly her longing for adventures beyond the usual role of women and her efforts to avoid being married off. BL 6.4 Pts 8
One day, after Wanda's classmates laugh at her funny last name and the faded blue dress she wears to school every day, Wanda claims to own one hundred dresses, all lined up in her closet at her worn-down house. This outrageous and obvious lie becomes a game, as the girls in her class corner her every day before school, demanding that she describe all of her dresses for them. She is mocked, and her father, Mr. Petronski, decides that she must leave that school. BL 7.0 Pts 1 The teacher holds a drawing contest in which the girls are to draw dresses of their own design. Wanda enters and submits one hundred beautiful designs. Her classmates are in awe of her talent and realize that these were her hundred dresses. Unfortunately, she has already moved away and does not realize she won the contest.
A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hills and river bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn, Little Ann had the brains -- and Billy had the will to train them to be the finest hunting team in the valley. Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness waited too. And close by was the strange and wonderful power that's only found...where the red fern grows. BL 5.0 Pts 11
After the sudden death of their parents, the three Baudelaire children must depend on each other and their wits when it turns out that the distant relative who is appointed their guardian is determined to use any means necessary to get their fortune. # 1 in the Series of Unfortunate Events BL. 6.4 Pts 4
This gripping story, written in sparse first-person, free-verse poems, is the compelling tale of Billie Jo's struggle to survive during the dust bowl years of the Depression. With stoic courage, she learns to cope with the loss of her mother and her grieving father's slow deterioration. There is hope at the end when Billie Jo's badly burned hands are healed, and she is able to play her beloved piano again. BL 5.3 Pts 3
Tommy and his sister Annika have a new neighbor, and her name is Pippi Longstocking. She has crazy red pigtails, no parents to tell her what to do, a horse that lives on her porch, and a flair for the outrageous that seems to lead to one adventure after another! BL 6.6 Pts 4
Motherless Olivia and Nellie go to live with their elderly Great- Aunt Minty, who knows little about children, but a lot about her overgrown garden. Then one day, Olivia finds an old teacup in a flowerbed-and, later, an old story about eight children transformed into flowers. Only the person who finds their teacups can bring them back. Now the two sisters know what they must do. BL 5.3 Pts 3
Peewee idolizes Jake, a big brother whose dreams of auto mechanic glory are fueled by the hard road coming to link their Indiana town and futures with the twentieth century. And motoring down the road comes Irene Ridpath, a young librarian with plans to astonish them all and turn Peewee’s life upside down. BL 5.1 Pts 4