3 60-Day Session Today is the 52nd day Veto period – March 30 – April 9, 2016 Sine Die – April 12, 2016
4 309 bills have been filed in the Senate 632 bills have been filed in the House Approximately 100 bills related to K-12 are pending Filing deadlines have passed, so there are no new bills; however, watch for “mules.”
SB 1 - Significant changes to standards, assessments and accountability measures (passed Senate, in House) SB 50 - Incentivizes the start date of school statewide to the first Monday closest to August 26 (passed Senate, in House) SB 81 – Requires KDE to develop military-connected student identifier in the Student Information System (passed Senate, passed House Education Committee) SB 182 – Requires all public high school students to pass a U.S. citizenship test (passed Senate, in House) *SB 228 – Defines “bullying” and requires district code of conduct to prohibit bullying (original mule, passed Senate, in House) *SB 256 – Allows any high school student participating in basic training required by the U.S. Armed Forces to be counted present for up to 10 days (passed Senate Education Committee) *Denotes bill with favorable action in each chamber or a companion bill in the other chamber with favorable action, thus more likely than not to pass the General Assembly and be sent to the Governor for signature. 5
SB 253 – Authorizes charter schools in Fayette and Jefferson Counties (passed Senate w/floor amendment removing charter school commission, in House) SB 278 – Requires KBE to promulgate regulations establishing high school elective social studies courses related to Bible literacy (passed Senate, in House) NOTE: Consult the Legislative Research Commission’s webpage for the official status of the bills cited above, and for the official, amended versions of each bill: 6
HB 29 – Requires school equity council member appointment to the superintendent screening committee (passed House, in Senate) *HB 87 - Allows any high school student participating in basic training required by the U.S. Armed Forces to be counted present for up to 10 days (passed House Ed. Comm.) *HB 111 – Requires every school to post the Kentucky child abuse hotline number; Senate Ed. Comm. amendment adds snow day language (passed House, passed Senate Ed. Comm.) HB 122 – Lowers ASVAB score for career-readiness identification from 50 to 36 if a JROTC student w/3 or 4 year training certificate (HCS) (passed House, in Senate) *HB 184 – Provides alternative principal selection process for Jefferson County (passed House, passed Senate Ed. Comm.) HB Defines “bullying” and requires district code of conduct to prohibit bullying (passed House, in Senate) HB 539 – Requires students be given an alternate assignment if original assignment requires home access to the internet and student is without access (passed House, in Senate) HB 618 – Clarifies a local board of education must comply with the ADA, HIPAA, et al. when placing a certified employee on leave due to a physical or mental disability (passed House, in Senate) *Denotes bill with favorable action in each chamber or a companion bill in the other chamber with favorable action, thus more likely than not to pass the General Assembly and be sent to the Governor for signature. 7
HB 303 – Executive Branch Budget Bill Original version introduced as the Governor’s Proposed Budget House passed committee substitute (3/16) with alternative language restoring nearly all funds to K-12 proposed to be cut by Governor’s budget and fully funds ARCs of KTRS/KERS Senate now must either pass House version or send back amended version Conference Committee/Free Conference Committee(s) likely Governor has line-item veto authority NOTE: Please consult the Legislative Research Commission’s webpage for the official status of the bills cited above, and for the official, amended versions of each bill: 8
Online system for submitting, reviewing, approving and archiving grant applications All districts will submit their Perkins, Title I, Title II, and Title III grant applications in GMAP beginning with the funding year Other grants to be added in future years Provided by KDE to districts at no charge 10
Combines different grant application processes into a single system Enables collaboration among programs to better maximize grant dollars Provides a more efficient grant application review and approval process 11
Title I, Title II, and Title III (EL and Immigrant) are combined in a Consolidated Application for review and approval purposes. (Funds stay separate.) Finance Officer and Superintendents (or designees) must approve funding applications every time they are sent to KDE. District funding assurances (previously in ASSIST) and federal cash request assurances will be submitted in GMAP. District Funding Assurances are contained in the Consolidated Application. 12
14 Shelbyville was March 14. About present. Next one is Campbellsville on March 22 at Gheens Recital Hall, Campbellsville University, 210 University Drive Check Fast Five for complete schedule or KDE website