Welcome to Middle School!
As you begin the 6 th grade, many new and exciting opportunities will come your way! You’ll find many people to help you when you have questions about middle school, your classes, your teachers, and your 6 th grade schedule.
Basic 6 th grade schedule: English Reading Math Science Social Studies PE/Health Elective
Don’t panic!! Scheduling your 6 th grade elective is easy!
Choose your elective: Orchestra or Band: 2 semesters Piano: 2 semesters Art: 1 or 2 semesters (Enriched Art for Talented ) Choir: 2 semesters ( Enriched Music for Talented) Theatre Arts: 1 or 2 semesters
Your teacher has already recommended the level of your other classes. Honors Enriched Honors: G/T Program Regular
Your Middle School Homework: Take Portfolio packet home and show parents your Choice of Subject letter and form. Explain that your teachers have recommended the class level of required classes. Parent and student sign the choice of subject form. Austin students MAY choose ZERO hour ART. Circle the elective you would like for sixth grade! If band: select instrument. If orchestra: select intermediate ONLY if currently in orchestra. Return the form to your teacher by Tuesday, April 12 th. That’s it!
What happens next?! You will be contacted by your Middle School for a school orientation before school begins in the fall. PLAN ON ATTENDING!! Learn about dress code, code of conduct, classroom locations, lockers, schedules, & procedures. Begin preparing for your future by selecting classes carefully and doing your best. Start your portfolio!! Ask about programs, clubs, school activities & competitions. GET INVOLVED!! A portfolio is … a collection of things that you have accomplished or done such as award, community service, school involvement, personal accomplishments, leadership positions, and academic records.
Your Future Begins Now!! Make a plan, work hard, choose your friends and activities CAREFULLY, and always ask for for help when needed!
… and always remember: