Hardwoods & Softwoods Quiz
Native Softwood Native Hardwood Non Native Hardwood Non Native Softwood 1.Oak is classed as a…
Mahogany Ash Balsa Birch 2. Which material would be most suitable for the manufacture of a garden bench ? Teak Rosewood White Pine Sycamore
Mahogany Ash Oak Elm 3. Which of the following materials is a softwood? Teak Rosewood Scots Pine Sycamore
Native Softwood Native Hardwood Non Native Hardwood Non Native Softwood 4. Mahogany is classed as a…
SoftwoodHardwood 5. Elm is classed as a…..
6. Larch is often used to make….. High Quality Furniture Fence posts Chopping Boards Musical Instruments
Native Softwood Native Hardwood Non Native Hardwood Non Native Softwood 7. Beech is classed as a…
SoftwoodHardwood 8. Spruce is classed as a…..
Mahogany Ash Balsa Birch 9. Which material has been used in the manufacture of this cabinet ? Teak Larch White Pine Sycamore
Native Softwood Native Hardwood Non Native Hardwood Non Native Softwood 10.Scots pine is classed as a…
11. Walnut is often used to make….. Gun Stocks Roof Trusses Floorboards Fence Posts
12. Which of the following materials is most suited for the manufacture of a Garden Gate European Walnut Rosewood Birch Teak
Softwood Hardwood 13. Douglas Fir is classed as a…
Rosewood Ash Balsa Elm 14. Which material is often used to make the fret board of a guitar Teak Larch White Pine Sycamore
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